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定 價:¥30.00

作 者: 考天下學習網(wǎng) 編
出版社: 中國石化出版社
標 簽: 普及性英語學習 外語學習

ISBN: 9787511421623 出版時間: 2013-07-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 215 字數(shù):  






Lesson 1 Native Americans Today 今日美洲原住民 Native Americans in the Popular Imagination 大眾心目中的美洲原住民 Mass Extinctions 大規(guī)模物種滅絕 Lesson 2 Britain and America Famous for Animal Lovers 英美兩國以愛護動物出名 Starlings Flocking to Rome Get an Earful 惡聲驅雀 Cuckonl Britons Miss the Sound of Spring 鳥聲寥落的春天 The Cambrian Explosion 寒武紀大爆發(fā) Lesson 3 Racing 賽馬 Baseball 棒球運動 Lesson 4 The Unique Russian Steam Bath 獨特的俄羅斯蒸汽浴 Lesson 5 Excessive Demands on Young People 對年輕人的過高期望 Lesson 6 Ode to Sport 體育頌 Lesson 7 Japan Plans to Double Its Whale Catch 日本計劃捕鯨量加倍 Ceesus of the Sea 海洋生物普查 Tourist Otters Confused by Accent 欺生的水獺 Scientists Set First Complete Ant-Thology 螞蟻大會 Lesson 8 EU Institutions 歐盟的機構 Economic and Monetary Union 經(jīng)濟與貨幣聯(lián)盟 Britain and“Europe” 英國與“歐洲” Lesson 9 HenryⅧ:a King of SixMarriages 風云人物亨利八世 The Elysee Palace 愛麗舍宮 Introducing the Politically Correct Naval Battle 政治正確的海戰(zhàn) Nineteenth-Century Politics in the United States 十九世紀美國政治 Lesson 10 Mayor of Silicon Valley--Robert Noyce “硅谷市長”羅伯特·諾伊斯 Hard Times for UFO Watcher 飛碟的艱難時世 Lesson 11 Who Wants to Live Forever? 誰想永生? Lesson 12 Bangladeshis Reject Smelly Currency 拒絕臭錢 Bands and Banking 銀行和銀行業(yè)務 Lesson 13 John D Rockefeller:Anointed with Oil 約翰·洛克菲勒:石油的浸禮 Lesson 14 Too Warm tO Bear 冬暖難眠 They Need to Be Told This? 海嘯來時,請勿沖浪 Weather 天氣 Lesson 15 Archimedes--Science Founder 阿基米德——科學的奠基人 Pioneer of Science Revolution--Galileo 科學革命的先驅——伽利略 Lesson 16 The Labour Market 就業(yè)市場 Lesson 17 Maritime Beauty 海洋奇景 Lesson 18 Astrologer Sues NASA over Comet Mission “奉天討罪”的占星家 Superstitions Endanger Babies 迷信危害下一代 Superstition 迷信 The Origins of Cetaceans 鯨類的起源 Lesson 19 A Nonconformist 語不驚人死不休 Lesson 20 Rat Population Distressed Elderly People 老鼠欺老 Humans Taste Good to All Liors 獅子都愛吃人肉 African Antelope Beware---Tigers in Town 老虎來了,非洲羚羊小心 Lesson 21 A Man of Great Moral Conviction:Gregory Peck 完美紳士:格里高利·派克 Transition to Sound in Film 電影聲音的演變 Lesson 22 Mark Twain:Mirror of America 馬克-吐溫:美國的鏡子 Lesson 23 Parliament Speaks Out for Ostrich Rights 為鴕鳥的權利吶喊 Mynah Want a Divorce? 八哥想離婚? CoupleQuit SmokingforHealth of Parrot 為鸚鵡的健康戒煙 Proof Thal Mee Don’t Listen 聽而不聞的雄鳥 James Bondis Too Tailio Be aModem Spy 鶴立雞群的007 Orientation and Navigation 定位和導航 Lesson 24 Moeet:Father of French Impressionist Painting 莫親印象 Lesson 25 Tired of Those Cell Phones Ringing 不識相的鈴聲 Bonus Helps Censors Return to Their Senses 精神污染補貼 Lesson 26 No Sex pIease—We’re Giant Pandas 性冷淡的熊貓 The Geologic History of the Mediterra-nean 地中海的地質歷史 LeSSOH 27 A Swedish Traditional Holiday--Saint Lucia’s Day 瑞典傳統(tǒng)的圣·露西韭節(jié) Asto Saint Lucia 關于圣·露西亞 Song for Santa Lucia 圣-露西亞之歌 Lesson 28 Do Patients Trust Doctors Too Much? 病人太信任醫(yī)生? Boozing?it's Practically Therapy 心病可上酒吧醫(yī) Love Means Sharing the Same Diseases 愛意味著同病相憐 Eating Away Disease 把疾病吃掉 Lesson 29 Cleopatra--Goddess of the Nile 埃及艷后——克莉奧帕特拉 Lesson 30 Leader of Evolutionary Biology--Charles Darwin 進化生物學的領袖——查爾斯·達爾文 Extinction of the Dinosaurs 恐龍的滅絕 Lesson 31 Beginning of American Sculpture 美國雕塑藝術的開端 Ancient Egyptian Sculpture 古埃及雕塑 Lesson 32 The Leaning Tower of Pisa 比薩斜塔 Uncover the Sky Above 揭開天空的秘密 Lesson 33 An Overview of British Education 教育慨覽 Lesson 34 Families and FamiIv Life 家庭與家庭生活 The Extended Famify 大家庭 Lesson 35 The New Space Exploration Plan 新的太空探索計劃 Lesson 36 Iron Lady·Thatcher 鐵娘子——撒切爾夫人 Party System 政黨制度 Lesson 37 Youth 青春 The Advantages of Being Young 年輕的好處 Lesson 38 Coating Isolates Nuclear Waste 把核廢料隔離起來 Natural Resource Conservation 自然資源的保護 Groundwater 地下水 Lesson 39 Pearl S Buck:the Cross-Cultural Envoy 賽珍珠:中西文化使者 Lesson 40 The British Seaside 英國海濱 Lesson 41 Cute Alpaca Stars as Screaming Sheep Dog 羊駝護羊 A Different Winter for Some Russian Cows 別樣的俄羅斯冬日——大麻喂牛 Fish do Feel Pain 魚真的會痛 Lesson 42 Yeah,This Really Makes Me Want to Buy Chicken 教壞孩子的廣告 Danger:Wooden Floors.Scooters and Trouser Zips‘ 危機四伏的生活 Lying on Your CV Becomes an Art FOrm 簡歷欺詐的藝術 Geology and Landscape 地理和地貌 Lesson 43 J K Rowling and Harry Potter J K羅琳:“哈利之母” Lesson 44 Culturallnfluence 文化影響 Cave Art in Europe 歐洲的巖涓藝術 Lesson 45 Living for Science--Madam Curie 為科學而生——居里夫人 Lesson 46 American Football 美式檄欖球 Skiing 滑雪 The Expression of Emotions 情感的表達 Lesson 47 Turkmen Leader Orders Ice Palace 沙漠中的冰霉宮 ra;Maha 印度名勝泰姬陵 Afghenistan---Home to Poppies 罌粟之鄉(xiāng)——阿套汗 Lesson 48 Predicting the Stock Market Is Child’s Play 股市預測成兒戲 Investment Genius:Warren Buffett 股神:沃倫·巴菲特


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