Computer Science Theory for the Information Age covers the computer science theory likely to be useful in the next 40 years, including high- dimensional space, random graphs, singular value decomposition. random walks, Markov chains, learning algorithms, VC-dimension, algorithms for massive date problems, clustering. The book also covers graphical models and belief propagation, ranking and voting, sparse vectors, and compressed sensing. The book is intended for either an undergraduate or a graduate theory course in computer science. Prof. John Hopcroft is a world-renowned scientist and an expert on education in computer science. He was awarded the A. M. Turing Award in 1986 for his contributions in theoretical computing and data structure design. Dr. Ravindran Kannan is a principal researcher with Microsoft Research Labs located in India.
1 Introduction 2 High-Dimensional Space 2.1 Properties of High-Dimensional Space 2.2 The High-Dimensional Sphere 2.2.1 The Sphere and the Cube in Higher Dimensions 2.2.2 Volume and Surface Area of the Unit Sphere 2.2.3 The Volume is Near the Equator 2.2.4 The Volume is in a Narrow Annulus 2.2.5 The Surface Area is Near the Equator 2.3 Volumes of Other Solids 2.4 Generating Points Uniformly at Random on the Surface of a Sphere 2.5 Gaussians in High Dimension 2.6 Bounds on Tail Probability 2.7 Random Projection and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Theorem 2.8 Bibliographic Notes 2.9 Exercises 3 Random Graphs 3.1 TheG(n, p) Model 3.1.1 Degree Distribution 3.1.2 Existence of Triangles in G ( n, d/n ) 3.2 Phase Transitions 3.3 The Giant Component 3.4 Branching Processes 3.5 Cycles and Full Connectivity 3.5.1 Emergence of Cycles 3.5.2 Full Connectivity 3.5.3 Threshold for O (Inn) Diameter 3.6 Phase Transitions for Monotone Properties 3.7 Phase Transitions for CNF-sat 3.8 Nonuniform and Growth Models of Random Graphs 3.8.1 Nonuniform Models 3.8.2 Giant Component in Random Graphs with Given Degree Distribution ... 3.9 Growth Models 3.9.1 Growth Model Without Preferential Attachment 3.9.2 A Growth Model with Preferential Attachment 3.10 Small World Graphs 3.11 Bibliographic Notes 3.12 Exercises 4 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) 4.1 Singular Vectors 4.2 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) 4.3 Best Rank k Approximations 4.4 Power Method for Computing the Singular Value Decomposition 4.5 Applications of Singular Value Decomposition 4.5.1 Principal Component Analysis 4.5.2 Clustering a Mixture of Spherical Gaussians 4.5.3 An Application of SVD to a Discrete Optimization Problem 4.5.4 Spectral Decomposition 4.5.5 Singular Vectors and Ranking Documents 4.6 Bibliographic Notes 4.7 Exercises 5 Random Walks and Markov Chains 5.1 Stationary Distribution 5.2 Electrical Networks and Random Walks 5.3 Random Walks on Undirected Graphs with Unit Edge Weights 5.4 Random Walks in Euclidean Space 5.5 The Web as a Markov Chain 5.6 Markov Chain Monte Carlo 5.6.1 Metropolis-Hasting Algorithm 5.6.2 Gibbs Sampling 5.7 Convergence of Random Walks on Undirected Graphs 5.7.1 Using Normalized Conductance to Prove Convergence 5.8 Bibliographic Notes 5.9 Exercises 6 Learning and VC-Dimension 6.1 Learning 6.2 Linear Separators, the Perceptron Algorithm, and Margins 6.3 Nonlinear Separators, Support Vector Machines, and Kernels 6.4 Strong and Weak Learning-Boosting 6.5 Number of Examples Needed for Prediction: VC-Dimension 6.6 Vapnik-Chervonenkis or VC-Dimension 6.6.1 Examples of Set Systems and Their VC-Dimension 6.6.2 The Shatter Function 6.6.3 Shatter Function for Set Systems of Bounded VC-Dimension 6.6.4 Intersection Systems 6.7 The VC Theorem 6.8 Bibliographic Notes 6.9 Exercises 7 Algorithms for Massive Data Problems 7.1 Frequency Moments of Data Streams 7.1.1 Number of Distinct Elements in a Data Stream 7.1.2 Counting the Number of Occurrences of a Given Element 7.1.3 Counting Frequent Elements 7.1.4 The Second Moment 7.2 Sketch of a Large Matrix 7.2.1 Matrix Multiplication Using Sampling 7.2.2 Approximating a Matrix with a Sample of Rows and Columns ... 7.3 Sketches of Documents 7.4 Exercises 8 Clustering 8.1 Some Clustering Examples 8.2 A Simple Greedy Algorithm for k-clustering 8.3 Lloyd's Algorithm for k-means Clustering 8.4 Meaningful Clustering via Singular Value Decomposition 8.5 Recursive Clustering Based on Sparse Cuts 8.6 Kernel Methods 8.7 Agglomerative Clustering 8.8 Communities, Dense Submatrices 8.9 Flow Methods 8.10 Linear Programming Formulation 8.11 Finding a Local Cluster Without Examining the Whole Graph 8.12 Axioms for Clustering 8.12.1 An Impossibility Result 8.12.2 A Satisfiable Set of Axioms 8.13 Exercises 9 Graphical Models and Belief Propagation 9.1 Bayesian or Belief Networks 9.2 Markov Random Fields 9.3 Factor Graphs 9.4 Tree Algorithms 9.5 Message Passing Algorithm 9.6 Graphs with a Single Cycle 9.7 Belief Update in Networks with a Single Loop 9.8 Maximum Weight Matching 9.9 Warning Propagation 9.10 Correlation Between Variables 9.11 Exercises 10 Other Topics 10.1 Rankings 10.2 Hare System for Voting 10.3 Compressed Sensing and Sparse Vectors 10.3.1 Unique Reconstruction of a Sparse Vector 10.3.2 The Exact Reconstruction Property 10.3.3 Restricted Isometry Property 10.4 Applications 10.4.1 Sparse Vector in Some Coordinate Basis 10.4.2 A Representation Cannot be Sparse in Both Time and Frequency Domains 10.4.3 Biological 10.4.4 Finding Overlapping Cliques or Communities 10.4.5 Low Rank Matrices 10.5 Exercises 11 Appendix 11.1 Asymptotic Notation 11.2 Useful Inequalities 11.3 Sums of Series 11.4 Probability 11.4.1 Sample Space, Events, Independence 11.4.2 Variance 11.4.3 Variance of Sum of Independent Random Variables 11.4.4 Covariance 11.4.5 The Central Limit Theorem 11.4.6 Median 11.4.7 Unbiased Estimators 11.4.8 Probability Distributions 11.4.9 Maximum Likelihood Estimation MLE 11.4.10 Tail Bounds 11.4.11 Chernoff Bounds: Bounding of Large Deviations 11.4.12 Hoeffding's Inequality 11.5 Generating Functions 11.5.1 Generating Functions for Sequences Defined by Recurrence Relationships 11.5.2 Exponential Generating Function 11.6 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 11.6.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 11.6.2 Symmetric Matrices 11.6.3 Extremal Properties of Eigenvalues 11.6.4 Eigenvalues of the Sum of Two Symmetric Matrices 11.6.5 Norms 11.6.6 Important Norms and Their Properties 11.6.7 Linear Algebra 11.6.8 Distance Between Subspaces 11.7 Miscellaneous 11.7.1 Variational Methods 11.7.2 Hash Functions 11.7.3 Catalan Numbers 11.7.4 Sperner's Lemma 11.8 Exercises Index References