Foreword Domna C. Stanton Preface David G. Nicholls 1 SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING Scholars and Scholarly Publishing Refereed and Nonrefereed Publications Deciding to Submit a Manuscript Placing a Manuscript with a Journal Scholarly Journals· Types of Scholarly Arficles·Selecting a Journal· Submitting a Manuscript to a Journal·Evaluation of a Manuscript· Acceptance of a Manuscript Placing a Manuscript with a Press Scholarly Presses· Types of Scholarly Books· Selectinga Press· Submitting a Prospectus for a Book· Submitting a Manuscript to a Press· Evaluation of a Manuscript·Acceptance of a Manuscript Production and Publication Copyediting· Proofreading· Preparing an Index·Design· Composition, Printing, Binding, ElectronicProduction· Marketing Conclusion 2 LEGAL ISSUES IN SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING Introduction Copyright Development of Copyright Law in the United States·Subject Matter of Copyright· Ownership of Copyright·Co ownership of Copyright· Works Made for Hire· Material Objects· Term of Copyright· Registration of Copyright· Copyright Notice· Renewal of Copyright·Rights of Copyright Owners· Transfers and Terminations·Fair Use of Copyrighted Works· Requesting Permission·Damages for Copyright Infringement and Attorney's Fees·International Copyright· Copyright and Computer Networks Publishing Contracts Books· Journal Articles and Contributions to Edited Works Defamation Libel· Opinion· Truth as Defense· Actual Malice Right of Privacy Emergence of Privacy Law· Unreasonable Publicity of Private Life· Publicity Placing Another in a False Light· Consent as Defense Further Guidance 3 BASICS OF SCHOLARLY WRITING Audience, Genre, and the Conventions of Scholarship Language and Style Spelling Consistency and Choice of Spelling· Word Division·Plurals· Accents· Umlauts· Ligatures and Other Special Characters Punctuation Purpose of Punctuation· Commas· Semicolons·Colons· Dashes and Parentheses· Hyphens·Apostrophes· Quotation Marks· Square Brackets· Slashes· Periods, Question Marks, and Exclamation Points· Spacing after Concluding Punctuation Marks Italics Words and Letters Referred to as Words and Letters·Foreign Words in an English Text· Emphasis Names of Persons First and Subsequent Uses of Names· Titles of Persons·Names of Authors and Fictional Characters· Dutch and German Names· French Names· Greek Names· Hungarian Names· Italian Names· Russian Names·Spanish Names· Latin Names· Asian Names· Names in Other Languages Capitalization …… 4 PREPARATION OF SCHOLARLY MANUSCRIPTS 5 PREPARATION OF THESES AND DISSERTATIONS 6 DOCUMENTATION: PREPARING THE LIST OF 7 DOCUMENTATION: CITING SOURCES IN THE TEXT 8 ABBREVIATIONS