第一部分 學生回憶 中國太赫茲事業(yè)的旗手 半個多世紀的難忘回憶 賀老師八十壽辰 人生旅程節(jié)點上,難得名師指迷津 憶劉盛綱先生 人生難得一個“好師傅 恩師教我做人、做事、做學問 品格高尚、熱愛學生的好老師 永攀高峰的領路人——記我的導師劉盛綱院士的二三事 難以忘懷的三件事 一輩子的老師 可敬、可親的恩師點滴 我的導師劉盛綱院士 我和先生的許多第一次 短途飛行 回憶先生點滴事 恭賀先生八十華誕 耕耘科研教學傳承愛國精神 慶祝劉老師八十華誕 我的老師 我的導師劉盛綱先生 我與先生的點滴 讓我一生敬佩的人 身向逾關那畔行 我與劉盛綱老師 我的老鄰居劉盛綱 師恩難忘五十年 永不停息的步伐 我眼中的劉院士 春風化雨,亦師亦友——在劉盛綱院士身邊工作八年的點點滴滴 往日的記憶 老驥伏櫪,志在千里——一位尊敬的長者劉盛綱院士 仰之彌高、鉆之彌堅——學生眼中的老師 師者——獻給先生八十壽辰 感謝師恩——十年相知十年恩情 寫在劉院士八十壽辰前 奉獻精神彰顯人生價值 賀先生八十壽辰 桃李不言,下自成蹊——先生八十壽辰有感 恭賀恩師劉盛綱院士八十壽辰 我心目中的先生 專注、耐心、激情——記劉盛綱先生 責任 第二部分 學生代表論文選 A 35-GHz low-voltage third-harmonic gyrotron with a permanent magnet system 突變復合腔回旋管自洽場理論與模擬 Evaluation of Beat Noise in OCDMA System With Non-Gaussian Approximated Method Research of Algebra Congruent Codes Used in Two-Dimensional OCDMA System 8毫米相對論orotron的實驗研究 Some features of chaos and oscillations in plasma-fiued diodes Study of a Printed Circular Disc Monopole Antenna for UWB Systems Optical image reconstruction using frequency-domain data: simulations and experiments Three-Dimensional Optical Tomographic Imaging of Breast in A Human Subject Frequency shifts by beam-driven plasma wake waves 0.22 THz回旋管振蕩器的研制與實驗 Numerical modeling of large orbit magnetron-type gyrotron through self-consistent nonlinear theory Unified nonlinear orbit dynamics of an equibbrium electron in a helical wiggler with a positive or reversed axial-guide magnetic field at magnetoresonance Magnetically insulated theory with both electron and ion flows A 140-GHz Two-Beam Overmoded Folded-Waveguide Traveling-Wave Tube Suppression of In-Band Power Holes in Helix Traveling-Wave Tubes 一種新型強相對論自由電子準光脈塞的動力學理論 Demonstration of a two stage backward-wave oscillator and free-electron laser Properties of obliquely incident electromagnetic wave in one-dimensional magnetized plasma photonic crystals Growth rate and start current in Smith-Purcell free-electron lasers Positron generation through laser Compton scattering gamma ray Design and experimental verification of terahertz wideband filter based on double-layered metal hole arrays Design of nonreciprocal waveguide devices based on two-dimensional magneto-optical photonic crystals 8mm波段三次諧波復合腔回旋管的非線性分析 漸變復合腔回旋管高次諧波注一波互作用非線性模擬 Coherent terahertz radiation from high-harmonic component of modulated free-electron beam in a tapered two-asymmetric grating structure Terahertz radiation of electron beam-cylindrical mimicking surface plasmon wave interaction Calculation of wakefields in a 17 GHz beam-driven photonic band-gap accelerator structure Terahertz radiation from interaction between an electron beam and a planar surface plasmon structure Numerical analysis of electron-induced surface plasmon excitation using the FDTD method Analysis of the Characteristics of a Coaxial Gyrotron Cavity With a Tilted Inner Rod Characteristics Analysis of a Coaxial Cavity With a Misaligned Inner Rod Study of a rectangular coupled cavity extended interaction oscillator in sub-terahertz waves 周期極化鈮酸鋰中光整流THz波輻射 折疊波導結構的THz振蕩輻射源研究 Surface plasmon wave propagation along single metal wire Two-beam magnetron injection guns for coaxial gyrotron with two electron beams Diffraction radiation of a sub-wavelength hole array with dielectric medium loading