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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語大學英語材料工程技術(shù)專業(yè)英語



定 價:¥28.00

作 者: 武麗華 編
出版社: 化學工業(yè)出版社
標 簽: 大學英語 外語學習


ISBN: 9787122190239 出版時間: 2014-02-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 164 字數(shù):  






Unit 1  Introduction to materials
Text 1  Types of materials
Text 2  Properties of materials
Unit 2  Cement and its manufacture
Text 1  History of cement
Text 2  Types of Portland cement
Text 3  Chemical composition and raw materials of Portland cement
Text 4  Hardening and corrosion of Portland cement
Text 5  Specifications and tests of cement
Text 6  Manufacture of Portland cement 1-- Preparation of the raw meal
Text 7  Manufacture of Portland cement 2 -- Preparation of the
clinker and cement
Text 8  The cement kiln
Reading text  A brief overview on kiln
Unit 3  Glass and its manufacture
Text 1  Introduction to glass
Text 2  Raw materials of the glass industry
Text 3  Batch of glass plant
Text 4  Furnace and glass melting
Text 5  Float glass production 1
Text 6  Float glass production 2
Text 7  Annealing lehr
Text 8  Production of further processed glass
Text 9  Borosilicate glass
Reading text  Toughened glass
Unit 4  Concrete
Text 1  Introduction to concrete
Text 2  Aggregates
Text 3  Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout
Text 4  Fresh concrete
Text 5  Properties of hardened concrete
Text 6  Concrete with reinforcing materials
Text 7  High strength concrete
Reading text  Readymixed concrete
Unit 5  Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic
Text 1  Composite material and classification
Text 2  Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic composite materials
Text 3  Properties of constituent materials
Text 4  Applications of FRP in engineering
Text 5  Production processes for Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic composite materials
Reading text  The Application of FRP in Building Structures
Unit 6  Building materials
Text 1  Building materials
Text 2  A classic building material--brick
Text 3  The properties of structural steel
Text 4  Green building materials
Text 5  Plastic materials
Text 6  Refractories
Reading text  Construction of steel
Appendix 1  The Periodic Table of Elements
Appendix 2  Vocabulary


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