林悟殊先生與中古三夷教研究 1 《注疏集》摩尼教章節(jié)譯釋 2 “吃菜事魔”名實再探 3 ManichaeiSm meets Chinese Buddhism:Some eomments Oil the‘sutrafication'of the Sermon on the Light—Nous Gunner Mikkelsen 4 A Manichaean Sogdian hymn in two scripts Nicholas sims-Williams 5 The Iconographical Affiliation and the Re— ligious Message of the Judgment Scene in the Chinese Manichaean Cosmology Painting Gtibor Kosa 6 The Passion ofJesus in Manichaean Painting Zsuzsanna Gul(tcsi) 7 Chaffsma of Mildness:Goddess Artisti c ImageS and the Female Followers 0f Chotcho Manichaean Chureh Wang Yuanyuan 8 Letters from Sir Aurel Stein to Gustaf Raquette Alots van,Tongerloo& Michael Knuppel 9 Some Remarks on the Old Uigur Report on the Destruetion of a Manichaean Monastery Peter Zieme|244 10 景教與明教的七時禮懺馬 11 敦煌景教文獻(xiàn)寫本的真與偽 12 從兩件德藏吐魯番文書看景教與道教之聯(lián)系 13 唐代基督宗教的宗教多元化策略 Matteo Nicolini-Zani 14 Commemorating the Martyrs and Saints at Turfan Erica C.D.Hunter 15 A Note on the Place Name“City of Royal Residence”(Wangshe—zhi— cheng王舍之城) in the Xi’an Stele Max Deeg 16 Epigraphica Nestoriana Serica(II) Samuel N.C.Lieu 17 Chongfu Si and Zhangjiao Si:On the Christian Administration in Yuan China Yin Xiaoping 18 A Study of Zurvanite Zoroastrianism: an Edition of‘U/area—ye Islam of A nother Vers ion(UI-2)and its Long Quotation in a Book of Azar Kayvan School Tnkeshi AOKI