On December 7, 1941, the Japanese air force b bombed the US naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and started the Pacific War.On January 1, 1942, a total of 26 countries, led by China, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, signed the Declaratiori of the United Nations in Washington, and declared war agairist Fascist Germany, ltaly and Japan with ali military and economic resources, establishing an international anti-Fascist aliiance. Chiria adopted active foreigon dipiomatic policies toward the Linited States whiie fighiting against the Japanese invaders. As one of the aliied nations, the United States started to aid China in the iatter's resistance to Japan to protect the interests of both couritries. Since then Chinese and American soldiers and civilians had fought side by side for peace in the Paciffc Region, Their heroic deeds and daily lives have been preserved and passed on by means of photos and films.
NO.1 WAR OF JUSTICE China-US Joint Effort Against Japanese Aggression NO.2 MAINSTAY The CPC's Participation in the War Against Japanese Aggression NO.3 TOWARD PEACE Profound Respect Between Servicemen and Civilians