Dedication to Professor Ding WangdaoPreface by Professor Gu ZhengkunAuthors'PrefaceOVERALL lNTRODUCTIONMAIN READINGSIntroductory Lecture Backgrounds(to be read after the fimt lecture) Week 1:Beginning Comparative StudiesEncounter 1:LEARNING:Formal&InformaI(to be read before the lecture Week 2:E1.1:TraditionaIIdeas and Practices Week 3:E1.2:Modern SchoolingEncounter 2:HUMANS IN FAMILIES Week 4:E2.1:Traditional Family Practices Week 5:E2.2:Modem TrendsEncounter 3:DEFINING HUMANS:Bodies and Selves Week 6:E3.1:TraditionaI VJews Week 7:E3.2:Modem V JewsEncounter 4:HUMANS AND THEIR SURROUNDINGS Week 8:E4.1:TraditionalIdeas Week 9:E4.2:Modern Dilemmas:Economics versus EcologyEncounter 5:HUMANS AND AUTHORITY Week 10:E5.1:TraditionaI Authorities Week 11:E5.2:Modern AuthoritiesEncounter 6:VALUES AND WORLDVIEWS Week 12:E6.1:TraditionaI Orientations Week 13:E6.2:Modem TendenciesReview and Overview:Post-Modern Challenges Week 14:Post-Modern Challenges to AII of the Above