1 Introduction 1.1 Mining Subsidence and Grouting Subsidence Mitigation 1.2 Contents of This Book 2 Equivalent Material Simulation Test Under Controllable Environment Conditions 2.1 EMST Method Under Constant Temperature and Constant Humidity Conditions 2.2 EMST of Overburden Bed Separation and Subsidence Laws 2.3 Tests of Hardening Equivalent Simulation Materials 2.4 Rheological Characterization of Equivalent Simulation Materials 2.5 Summary 3 Deformation of Overburden and Development of Bed Separation 3.1 Movement of Rock Strata and Dynamic Development of Bed Separation 3.2 Height of Water Flowing Fracture Zone in Stope 3.3 Summary 4 Mechanism of Grouting Subsidence Mitigation in Bed Separation 4.1 Evolution of Stope Overburden Structure 4.2 Mechanism of Grouting Subsidence Mitigation in Overburden Bed Separation Zone 4.3 Space Volume of Bed Separation and the Maximum Allowable Grout Amount 4.4 Surface Subsidence Prediction Methods Under the Condition of Grouting Subsidence Mitigation 4.5 Summary 5 Grout Water Seepage Laws and Properties of Grout Materials 5.1 Seepage Theory on Fractured Rock Mass 5.2 Grout Water Seepage Model for Overburden Bed Separation 5.3 Tests of Grout Material Performance 5.4 Summary 6 Project Cases 6.1 Mining Geological Conditions 6.2 Grouting Subsidence Mitigation Engineering for Tie'er Mining Section References Index