前 言 1 Foreword 1 世界鐵路發(fā)展簡史 3 Brief Historical Summary of World’s Railways 3 世界硬幣上的鐵路 11 The Railways on the World Coins 11 1、喬治?斯蒂芬森:世界鐵路的開創(chuàng)者、第一臺蒸汽機車“火箭號”發(fā)明家 11 George Stephenson who built the first public railway line in the world, innovated “Rocket”locomotives and is known as “The Father of Railways” 11 2、湯姆?愛迪生:世界第一條電氣化鐵道實驗線的創(chuàng)建者,現(xiàn)代化電氣發(fā)明家 13 Thomas Alva Edison who developed many electrical devices including the first experienced electrical railway, that greatly influenced life around the world 13 3、詹天佑:中國第一條自主修建的鐵路—京張鐵路設(shè)計建造者 15 ZhenTianyou Who built the Chinese first self-made railway line-Beijing to zhan jiakou railway and is known as “The Father of China Railways” 15 4、布律內(nèi)爾:英國最杰出的鐵路土木機械工程師 17 Isambard Kingdom Brunel who was the British most outstanding railway engineer 17 5、西伯利亞大鐵道建成100周年:世界最長的鐵路 19 100th anniversary of the Trans-Siberian Railway operation-the longest railway all over the world 19 6、祕魯中央鐵路及其設(shè)計建造者馬利諾夫斯基:世界第一條海拔4000m以上高原鐵路 21 Ernesto Malinowski and the Central Railway of Peru-The world’s first highest railway 21 7、青藏鐵路2006年通車:世界第一條高海拔高寒凍土高原鐵路 23 China Tibet Railway operated in 2006 -the world’s first high altitute and permafrost roadbed railway 23 8、英吉利海峽海底鐵路隧道1994年開通:世界最長的海底隧道 24 English Channel Tunnel operated in 1994-the world’s longest tunnel under the sea 24 9、“大男孩號”蒸汽機車:世界功率最大的蒸汽機車 26 “Big Boy”steam locomotive-the biggest power steam locomotive all over the world 26 10、柏林地鐵百年華誕:世界分截時間最長的地鐵 27 100th anniversary of the Birlin subway operation-the longest separate time subway in the world 27 11、列支敦士登鐵路125周年:世界有鐵路系統(tǒng)的面積最小的國家 28 125th anniversary of the Liechtenstein Railway operation-the world’s smallest country with railway system 28 12、阿爾巴尼亞鐵路42周年:背后復雜的“阿南”、“阿蘇”關(guān)系 29 42th anniversary of the Albania Railway operation, the complex relationships of Albania with Yugoslavia and Soviet Union were hidden 29 13、捷克斯洛伐克第一條鐵路150周年,第一條電氣化鐵路100周年及第一條山區(qū)鐵路100周年 31 150th anniversary of Czechoslovakia Railway operation, 100th anniversary of Czech electrical railway operation and of Slovakia mountain rack railway operation 31 14、比利時鐵路綜合樞紐50周年 34 50th anniversary of Belgium Railway Nord-Midi Jonction operation 34 15、瑞士鐵路150周年 36 150th anniversary of the first Switzerland Railway operation 36 16、加拿大太平洋鐵路公司創(chuàng)立100周年及第一條橫貫大陸的溫哥華太平洋鐵路開通100周年 37 100th anniversary of founding of Canadian Pacific Railway Company and of operating of Transcontinental Railway in Canada 37 17、加拿大太平洋鐵路最著名的四種蒸汽機車:皇家哈得遜型,Jubilee歡慶型,Selkirk型,D-10型 40 The famous steam locomotives of Canadian Pacific Railway : “Royal Hudson”、 “Jubilee”、“Selkirk”、“D-10” 40 18、美國猶他州:美國橫貫大陸鐵路的東西部交匯點 43 Utah State: the joint place of the First Transcontinental Railway in United States 43 19、奧地利第一條鐵路150周年及其建設(shè)者弗蘭茲?約瑟夫一世,梅特涅 44 150th anniversary of the first Austrian Railway operation and Franz Joseph I, Furst Metternich 44 20、泰國鐵路100周年 48 100th anniversary of the first Thailand Railway operation 48 21、巴西第一條鐵路創(chuàng)建者馬烏阿及巴西早期蒸汽機車:世界首次發(fā)行的鐵路及名人主題幣 49 The founder of Brazilian first railway- Baron of Maua and the Brazilian early steam locomotive 49 22、朝鮮開城—新義州鐵路開通90周年和北南鐵路連結(jié)開通紀念 50 Reconnection of North Korea and South Korea railways operation and 90th anniversary of Kaisong-Sinuiju railway operation 50 23、英屬馬恩島蒸汽鐵路125周年:世界第一條小島鐵路 52 125th anniversary of British the lsle of Man steam railway that was the first small island railway in the world 52 24、莫斯科—烏蘭巴托—北京鐵路40周年 54 40th anniversary of the Moscow-UlhanBator-Beijing Railway operation 54 25、“伊麗莎白公主號”蒸汽機車:世界最受人尊敬的蒸汽機車 55 “Princess Elizabeth”steam locomotive that was most respectable locomotive in the world 55 26、“蘇格蘭飛人號”蒸汽機車:世界知名度極高的蒸汽機車 56 “Lner Flying Scotsman”steam locomotive that was the most famous locomotive in the world 56 27、“東方快車”:世界第一列橫貫歐洲的豪華旅游列車 58 “The Orient Express”that was the first transcontinental luxuriant train in Europe 58 28、瑞士皮拉托斯(世界第一條坡度達48%的山區(qū)齒條鐵路)、菲茨瑙-瑞吉、布里恩茲羅德峰、伯爾尼納等山區(qū)鐵路 60 Switzerland four famous mount railways:Pilatus,Vitznau-Rigi,Brienz Rothorn,Bernina 60 29、“野鴨號”蒸汽機車:世界速度最快的蒸汽機車 63 “Lner Mallard”steam locomotive that is the highest speed steam locomotive in the world so far 63 30、“將軍號”蒸汽機車:美國南北戰(zhàn)爭歷史見證者 65 “The General”steam locomotive that bear witness to Civil War history of United States 65 31、西班牙第一條鐵路140周年 67 140th anniversary of the first Spainish Railway operation 67 32、世界第一臺原型蒸汽機車“潘尼達倫號”誕生200周年 68 200th anniversary of world’s first working steam locomotive“Penydarren” 68 33、英國福斯鐵路大橋:世界第一座鐵路大鋼橋 70 The Forth Railway Bridge that was the first large steel railway bridge in the world 70 34、白俄羅斯鐵道游擊隊二戰(zhàn)期間奮勇抵抗德國法西斯60周年 72 60th anniversary of partisan resistance in Belarus during WWⅡ 72 35、保加利亞鐵路100周年 74 100th anniversary of the Bulgaria Railway operation 74 36、法國航海家居維爾因鐵路脫軌事故蒙難150周年 75 150th anniversary of French explorer Dumont d’Urville’s death caused by the first French railway disaster 75 37、奧地利塞默靈阿爾卑斯山區(qū)鐵路建成150周年:世界第一條標準山區(qū)鐵路 77 150th anniversary of Austria Semmering Railway that was the oldest largest scale mountain railway in the world 77 38、澳大利亞蒸汽牽引鐵路150周年 79 150th anniversary of steam railways in Australia 79 39、澳大利亞阿德萊德至達爾文鐵路2004年開通 81 Inauguration of the Adelaide to Darwin Railway in January 2004 81 40、澳大利亞悉尼鐵路公路海港大橋 82 Sydney Harbour Railway-Road Bridge in Australia 82 41、德國鐵路150周年及175周年 84 150th and 175th anniversary of German Railways operation 84 42、日本青函海底鐵路隧道1988年開通:世界最長的鐵路隧道 86 Inauguration of Seikan Tunnel in 1988 in Japan 86 43、日本瀨戶跨海鐵路公路大橋1988年開通:世界最長的鐵路公路大橋 88 Inauguration of Seto-Ohashi Bridge in 1988 in Japan 88 44、英國維多利亞時代開創(chuàng)世界鐵路發(fā)展新紀元 89 Victoria Age –a new era in world railwys 89 45、捷克布爾諾有軌馬車125周年及斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉伐有軌電車100周年 91 125th anniversary of Brno tramway operation and 100th anniversary of Bratislava electric tramway operation 91 46、英國“皇家蘇格蘭”型蒸汽機車:20世紀20年代批量最大的客運蒸汽機車 93 “Royal Scot” steam locomotive that was the largest batch of steam locomotive in 1920’s in England 93 47、英國“皇家加冕”型蒸汽機車:功率最大的客運蒸汽機車 95 “Coronation” steam locomotive that was the largest power steam passenger locomotive in England 95 48、英國“21C1”型蒸汽機車:蒸汽機車時代最后的杰作 97 “21C1” steam locomotive that was the latest outstanding steam locomotive of steam era 97 49、蒸汽鐵路時代的典型鐵路作業(yè) 99 Typical railway operation procedures of steam railway era 99 50.法國高速鐵路:保持世界高速列車最高試驗速度的鐵路 101 France high-speed railways which keep the world highest test speed records of high-speed train 101 51.南非鐵路:非洲最發(fā)達的鐵路系統(tǒng) 104 South Afarican Railways which are the most developing railway system in Africa 104 52.貝寧鐵路與名貴植物阿爾及利亞冷杉 106 Benin Railway and World famous Plans 106 53.匈牙利第一條鐵路145周年及其建設(shè)者塞切尼公爵 108 145th anniversary of the first Hungarian Railway operation and Count Istvan Szechenyi 108 54. 中國臺灣高速鐵路 110 China Taiwan High Speed Rail 110 參考文獻 112 References 112 附錄 世界各國發(fā)行的主要鐵路題材錢幣一覽表 113 Index Main Railway Subject coins general survey all over the world (by Krause Catalog) 113