藝術(shù)簡介Introduction to art 編者的話Editor'S words 前言Preface 花鳥系列Flower and bird series 青花Blue and white 瑞雪迎春Ruixue spring 鳥Bird 秋光Autumn light 詠梅Plum 花鳥Bird 見南山See Nanshan 青花Blue and white 花鳥Bird 可卿Keqing 幽香Delicate fragrance 青花花鳥Blue and white flowers and birds 梅花Plum 山Mountain 香幽Sweet quiet 花鳥Bird 青花鳥Blue bird 松竹梅Songjukmae 年年有魚Fish every year 鳥Bird 荷香時(shí)與好風(fēng)來Lotus with good wind 詠梅Plum 梅花Plum 花鳥Bird 見南山See Nanshan 見南山See Nanshan 青花鳥Blue bird 青花花鳥Blue and white flowers and birds 見南山See Nanshan 露氣Dew 花Flower 青花鳥Blue bird 桃 Peach 花Flower 花鳥Bird 花鳥Bird 荷映情趣Load bearing 花Flower 釉下五彩花卉Colorful flowers 釉下五彩花卉Colorful flowers 萬紫千紅A riot of colour 萬紫千紅A riot of colour 花Flower 水波風(fēng)來Water wave wind 釉下五彩花卉Colorful flowers 潑墨荷花Ink lotus 花鳥Bird 荷映情趣Load bearing 花鳥Bird 荷映情趣Load bearing 春曉Spring morning 山水花Landscape flower 喜上眉梢Look very happy 釉下五彩牡丹Under glaze colorful 花鳥Bird 花鳥Bird 荷花Lotus 荷花Lotus 春日Spring 花Flower 映日荷花別樣紅The lotus 清風(fēng)Cool breeze 報(bào)春Primula 荷花Lotus 花Flower 花Flower 人物系列Character series 元春Yuanchun 元春省親Mothering Yuanchun 鳳姐Fengjie 鳳姐弄權(quán)Power Fengjie 可卿Keqing 可卿春困Chunkun Keqing 李紈養(yǎng)性Li Wan cultivation 李紈Li Wan 寶釵Baochai 寶釵捕蝶Baochai Butterfly 妙玉Miaoyu 妙玉奉茶Miaoyu tea 黛玉Daiyu 黛玉葬花Daiyu the burial of flowers 巧姐Qiaojie 迎春Yingchun 湘云Xiangyun 湘云眠芍Xiangyun Mianshao 探春吟句Tanchun Yin sentence 探春Tanchun 惜春Xichun 惜春作畫Paint Xichun 巧姐Qiaojie 巧姐補(bǔ)衣Qiaojie mending clothes 福壽安康Longevity and health 山水系列Landscape series 青花山水Blue and white landscape 青花山水Blue and white landscape 古松圖Age—old pine trees 古松圖Age—old pine trees 松濤清音The voiceless 青花山水Blue and white landscape 青花山水Blue and white landscape 映曰荷花別樣紅The lotus 青花山水Blue and white landscape 黃鶴樓Yellow Crane Tower 青花山水Blue and white landscape 峰嵐Feng Lan 峰嵐Feng Lan 峰嵐Feng Lan 峰嵐Feng Lan 黃山煙云Mount Huangshan smoke 青花山水Blue and white landscape 漢山清遠(yuǎn)Han Shan Qingyuan 海納百川All rivers run into sea 煙雨江南Rain Jiangnan 峽谷Canyon 青花山水Blue and white landscape 黃山煙云Mount Huangshan smoke 黃山峰HuangShanFeng 黃山峰HuangShanFeng 秋山飛瀑Akiyama waterfall 青花山水Blue and white landscape 后記Postscript