金屬采掘·冶煉環(huán)境影響評(píng)價(jià) 國際研討會(huì)論文集
Visual MODFLOW 在冶煉項(xiàng)目地下水環(huán)境影響評(píng)價(jià)上的應(yīng)用
基于GMS 的尾礦庫地下水環(huán)境影響評(píng)價(jià)
Proceedings of International Conferenceon Environmental Impact Assessmentof Metal Ore Mining, Smelting Projects
Permeable Reactive Barrier Technology for LandfillLeachate Polluted Groundwater Remediation Effect
Groundwater Environment Capacity——A Case Study on Iron and Steel Industrial Zone of Guizhou Province
Prevention of Diffused Pollution in Mining Zone——An Mining Enterprise as an example
The Application Examples of Analysis Method inGroundwater Environmental Impact Assessment
A Study on Eco-design and Optimized Applicationof Runoff Rain Water in Smelting Industrial Zone——An Smelting Enterprise as an Example
Henan Province,the Source of Life for SolidWaste Treatment and Disposal Situationand Existing Problem Analysis
Discussion of the Maximum Impacted Distancewith Tailings Dam-break in EnvironmentalImpact Assessment
Research and Application of the AccidentSewage Buffer Pool
A Briefly Review of the Development of Southern-China Ion-absorbed Rare-Earth Ore Mining Method
Analyses of Potential Safety Hazard ofTailings Reservoirs in China
Assessing Environmental Impact of MagnesiumProduction by Vacuum Carbothermic Reduction
Current Situation and Countermeasures of the AcidicWastewater Pollution and Governance in Metal Mines
Study on the Indicator System for EngineeringPlanning Environmental Impact Assessmentof Iron Mineral Resources
Review of the New Series Standards of Ironand Steel Industrial Emissions
Study on Release of Pollutants fromPhosphate Flotation Tailings
The Analysis of the Impact of Dioxin Emission onEnvironment in Iron & Steel Corporations
Effects of Iron Powder as an Additive with Use ofMicrowave Heating for Chromium Slag Detoxification
Potentiality in Energy Saving and EmissionReduction of Magnesium Smelting EnterpriseUsing the Pidgeon Process in Yulin city
Experimental Study on Resource Reclamation oflow-grade Copper Oxide Tailingsin High-altitude Region
The Application Research of Fuzzy ComprehensiveEvaluation Method for Water Quality Assessment——Take Yangtze River Basin as an Example
Study on Application of HYDRUS Software inSimulation and Prediction of Solute in Vadose Zone
Water Recycling by the Cascade WaterSupply in Steel Enterprises
Several Issues that Should be Noted in theEnvironmental Impact Assessmentof Enshi Planning
The Discussion of Environmental Management forthe Initial Rainwater in Chemical Industry Park
Issues in Environmental Impact Assessment ofIndustrial Park Planning
A Discussion on Space Control ofMetal Mine Area
Application of Landscape Ecological Assessment inStrategic Environmental Assessment of CoastalIndustry Park Planning at Huangshi
Analysis and Determination of Peat Humification
The Instance Analysis of Mine GeologicalEnvironment Protection and Recovery Management
The Influence of Volcanic Eruption on HolocenePaleoclimate:Evidence from Peatland Archivesin Northeast China
Extraction and Identification Methods ofVolcanic Ash from Sediments
Characteristic and Control Measure Analysis of AirPollutants Generated from the Consteel Furnace
Study on Prediction of Basin City NO2Emission Based on Scenario Analysis
The Research on Green InfrastructureSpace Layout Planning
Research on Economic Evaluation ofEcological Impact in Non-pollutionMine Based on Cost-Benefit Analysis
The Research on Role of Ecological Restorationin Tailings Reclamation
Ecological Restoration Technology of theMining Area:a Case Study of PolymetallicMining in Western Region of China
Small Mine Reclamation Practices—A Case Study of Yichang Zhangcunping Phosphate
The Application of Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulatorin Ecological Restoration of Metallic Mines
Pioneer Plant Screening of Cd Pollution Soil——A Case Study of Hunan ShuikoushanPb and Zn Ore District
Analysis of the Impact of the Groundwater Drawdownof the Opencast Mining on the Vegetation
Mechanism and Countermeasures ofHeavy Metal Pollution
Overview of Ecological Restoration ofMetal Mine Wasteland Substrate
Estimation of Lead Discharging Amount fromUnorganized Atmospheric Pollutant Sourcein Lead Smelting Plant
From Aesthetics to Ecology:Landscape RestorationPlanning of Waste Mine-site Basedon Ecological Regeneration
Analysis of Vegetation Spatio-Temporal Evolutionin Qaidam Basin Based on MODIS Data
Application and Practice Research of the Reclama-tion Technology for Tailings Bank in Arid Area
Study on Soil Heavy Metals Contamination for theNeighboring Areas of a Lead Refinery
Review on Methods of HeavyMetal Contamination in Soil
The Facility Research of 3S Technology inEnvironmental Impact assessment ofMineral Resources Planning
Analysis of Soil Remediation Limits inSite Contaminated by Antimony Basedon Health Risk
Groundwater Environmental Impact Assessment in aHeavy Metal Polluted Area:Example and Reflection
Research on Performance Evaluation ofMining Environmental Management
Research on Performance Prediction ofMining Environmental Management
Ecological Compensation Strategy on DifferentPhases of Water Transfer Project
Applied Research of Environmental HealthRisk Assessment Involving Lead Project EIA
The Found of Volcanic Ash in Hani PeatDeposition and Its Paleoclimate Significance
Image Fusion Technology for Recognitionof Mine Environment
A Study on Environmental Protection ofEco-tourism on View Legal——A Case Study of Jiuzhai Valley National Park in Sichuan Province
Ecological Risk for Heavy Metals Pollution inSediment of Xiangjiang River(Changning Section)
Perchlorate Biological Degradation UsingActive Sludge with Different Electron Donors
The Exploration of Construction Path of theChina’s National Geopark Base on theSustainable Development
Discussion on Convergence of Planning EIAand Project EIA of Mining Area
Preliminary Study of Coupling Relationship ofQinghai-Tibet Plateau Uplifting,GlobalEnvironment,Tectonic Movement and ClimaticEvents Since Quaternary Period
Research on Prevention and Controlling ofPollution of Livestock and Poultry Breedingin Rural Area of China