CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BackgroundtoResearch 1.2 Perspectives on Student Learningin Higher Education 1.3 Collaborative Project—Inquiry Instruction 1.4 Business English Educationin China 1.5 The Present Study 1.6 Significance of the Research 1.7 Organization of the Book CHAPTER 2 PERSPECTIVES ON LEARNING 2.1 Paradigm Shifts in Learning Theories 2.2 Beliefs,Approaches and Strategies of Learning CHAPTER 3 COLLABORATIVE PROJECTINQUIRY 3.1 Inquiry—Based Learning 3.2 Computer—Supported Collaborative Learning CHAPTER 4 EIB TEACHING AND LEARNINGIN CHINA 4.1 Emergence and Development of Business Englishin China 4.2 Current EIB Teaching and Learningin China 4.3 Integrated Thinking Curriculum in EIB 4.4 CALLin ESP/EIB CHAPTER 5 RESEARCH DESIGN 5.1 Research Context 5.2 Overview of Research Methodology 5.3 Research Design CHAPTER 6 BELIEFS ABOUTAND STRATEGIES FOR LEARNING AND COLLABORATIONIN EIB PROJECTLEARNING 6.1 Methods 6.2 Results 6.3 Discussion 6.4 Limitations and Conclusion CHAPTER 7 SCAFFOLDINGCOLLABORATIVEINQUIRYAND EIB LEARNINGIN CSCIL ENVIRONMENT 7.1 A Framework for Computer—Supported Collaborative ESP Literacy Development 7.2 Instructional Design 7.3 Research Methods 7.4 Results 7.5 Discussion and Implications CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION References