PREFACE FOREWORD SOME SYMBOLS USED IN TEXTBOOK CHAPTER 1 HISTORY OF TORSION OF STEEL STRUCTURAL MEMBERS References CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION Reference CHAPTER 3 LINEAR ELASTIC TORSIONAL BEHAVIOR References CHAPTER 4 ELASTIC TORSIONAL AND FLEXURAL-TORSIONAL BUCKLING OF AXIAL COMPRESSION MEMBERS 4. 1 Elastic Torsional Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 4. 2 Effect of Residual Stress Distribution on Elastic Torsional Buckling Load 4. 3 Effect of End Boundary Conditions on Torsional Buckling Load 4. 4 Elastic Flexural-torsional Buckling of Axial Compression Members Problem Reference CHAPTER 5 ELASTIC DISTDRTIONAL BUCKLING OF AXIAL COMP~ION MEMBERS 5.1 Elastic Section Distortional Buckling Stress 5.2 Equilibrium Method to Determine Elastic Distortional Buckling Load 5. 3 To determine Elastic Distortional Buckling Stresses and Loads According to Schafer, B. W. and Pekoz, T. Handle Method 5.4 To determine Elastic Distortiona[ Buckling Stresses and Loads According to AS/NZS Problem References CHAPTER 6 DISTORTIONAL BUCKLING OF STEEL BI-SYMMETRIC I-SECTION BEAMS UNDER IN-PLANE UNIFORM BENDING 6.1 Theoretical Analysis on Distortional Buckling of Bisymmetric I-section Beams 6.2 Theoretical Analysis on Distortional Buckling of Monosymmetric I-section Beams References CHAPTER 7 DISTORTIONAL BUCKLING OF STEEL BI-SYMMETRIC I-SECTION BEAM-COLUMNS Distortional Buckling of Steel Bi-symmetric I-section Beam-columns Reference CHAPTER 8 I-SECTION BEAMS AND BEAM-COLUMNS UNDER BENDING AND TORSION 8. J Governing Differential Equations of Biaxial Bending Beam with Torsion 8. 2 Two Methods to Check Stability for Biaxial Bending Beam with Torsion Problem References CHAPTER 9 ELASTIC TORSIONAl. BEHAVIOR References CHAPTER 10 FIRST YIELD CONDITION OF STEEL S3\