潭中,1929年生,歷史學碩士、博士,在印度大學教書40年,曾任德里大學副教授兼中日系主任(1971—1978),尼赫魯大學教授兼亞非語言系主任(1980年代)及東亞語言系主任(1990年代)直至1994年退休。復任新德里英迪拉甘地國立藝術中心教授顧問兼東亞部主任(1990—1999)。為德里中國研究所創(chuàng)始主席(1990—2003)?,F(xiàn)定居美國芝加哥。2010年獲得印度政府頒發(fā)的二等蓮花獎,是繼季羨林以后獲得此獎的第二個中國學者。2013年獲得泰戈爾創(chuàng)辦的印度國際大學最高榮譽學位,是繼周恩來、譚云山、巫白慧以后獲得此榮譽的第四個中國學者。2013年受聘為云南社會科學院榮譽院士。凌煥銘,美籍華人。美國麻省理工學院(MIT)博士。自2002年在紐約的新校大學(The New School)任教。她是副教授兼任副院長。她的著述有英文書4本及無數(shù)篇英文學術論文。她于2002年出版英文書《后殖民時代國際關系:西方與亞洲之間的征服與愿望》(Postcolonial InternationalRelations:Conquest and Desire betweenAsia and the West);于2009年與阿加坦格婁(A.M.Agathangelou)合著《轉(zhuǎn)變世界政治:從帝國到多元世界》(Transforming WorldPolitics:From Empire to MultipleWorlds);2014年出了《世界政治的道:朝向后威斯特伐利亞世界秩序的發(fā)展》(The Dao of World Politics:Towards a PostWestphalian,Worldist International Relations)與《想象世界政治:時代的寓言》(Imagining World Politics:Sihar & Shenya,A Fable for Our Times)。她正在編的新書除了本書外尚有《印度—中國:把古代辯證法運用到當代世界政治》(IndiaChina:An Ancient Dialectic forContemporary World Politics),《印度與中國:對邊界與安全的新思維》等。
Introduction I /1
Introduction II /11
Part I The Trail Trod by My Feet /13
Daring to Dream in the United States: An Aria Sung by a Spanish Professor of
Chinese Origin /15
Wherever I Am, China Is: The ‘Chinese dream’ Overseas /25
Wish I Were a Rainbow: The First Chinese to Set up a Museum of Eastern Art in the
West /33
My ‘Chinese dream’: Eternal Prosperity for the Great Civilizations of China and
My ‘Chinese dream’, My Father’s Heritage /46
Let Blood/Flesh on Wings of a Waked-up Dragon /55
My Life and Dream about Environmental Health /66
Sailing All the Seas Balanced on a Sword /71
Part II Chinese Dream and the World 79
My Chinese Dream /81
Twilight of a New Era Dawns on Beautiful China /90
Upgrading ‘Chinese Power’: The Chinese Dream that Creates a ‘Common Destiny’
for the World /99
The Chinese Pursuit of Common Dreams /107
Part III One Endeared Family within Four Seas /117
For A World of Grand Harmony: A Chinese Dream from Two Generations /119
My Chinese Bridge And My Chinese Dream /128
My Chinese Dream: High Quality Early Childhood Programs for All /139
Four seas to One Family:
Overseas Chinese and Chinese dream
Dreaming between Civilizations: Rhetoric and Communication /146
The Moon Ship with Hopes and Dreams /153
One Intimate Family for China and India: Sharing the ‘Rich-and-Strong’
Dream /161
Part IV Symposium I: Transform the Chinese Dream into a World
Dream /169
Transform the ‘Chinese dream’ into a World Dream /171
Part V Symposium II: Delving into All Aspects of the ‘Chinese
dream’ /199
The ‘Chinese dream’: In Comparison with the American Dream /201
The ‘Chinese dream’ /208