CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Origin of EMR 1 1.2 Experimental Apparatus 3 1.3 Target of Research 9 1.4 Prospects for Future 10 References 11
CHAPTER 2 Theoretical Basics 13 2.1 Phenomenal Description of EMR 13 2.2 Angular Momentum & Magnetic Moment 14 2.3 Unit of Magnetic Field 21 2.4 Interaction between Outer Magnetic Field with Moment 22 2.5 Interaction between Moment with Electromagnetic Field under Outer Magnetic Field 24 2.6 Interaction between Nuclear Magnetic Moment with Electron Magnetic Moment under Outer Magnetic Field 26 Exercises 27 References 27 Further Readings 27
CHAPTER 3 g-Tensor Theory 29 3.1 Landé Factor 29 3.2 Matrix Presentation of g-Tensor 31 3.3 g-Tensor of Irregular Orientation System 38 Exercises 42 References 42 Further Readings 43
CHAPTER 4 Isotropic Hyperfine Structure 44 4.1 Theoretical Discussion of Hyperfine Interaction 44 4.2 Energy Operator of Isotropic Hyperfine Interaction 45 4.3 Spectral Isotropic Hyperfine Structure 50 4.4 Hyperfine Structure of Organic π-Free Radical Spectrum 62 4.5 Mechanism of Hyperfine Splitting of Conjugate System Spectrum 74 4.6 Hyperfine Splitting of Others (non-proton) 82 Exercises 85 References 86 Further Readings 87
CHAPTER 5 Anisotropic Hyperfine Structure 88 5.1 Anisotropic Hyperfine Interaction 89 5.2 Matrix Interpretation of Anisotropic Hyperfine Interaction 90 5.3 Living Example Demonstration 95 5.4 Anisotropic Hyperfine Coupling Tensor with Free Radical Structure 101 5.5 Anisotropy of g- & A-Tensor Combinations 109 5.6 Anisotropy of A-Tensor for Irregular Orientation System 109 Exercises 111 References 111 Further Readings 112
CHAPTER 6 Fine Structure 113 6.1 Zero Field Splitting 114 6.2 Spin Hamiltonian of Two Electron Interaction 115 6.3 Spectra of Triplet (S?=?1) State Molecular System 126 6.4 Spectra of Triplet State in Irregular Orientation System 133 6.5 Biradicals 136 Exercises 139 References 139 Further Readings 140
CHAPTER 7 Relaxation and Line Shape & Line Width 141 7.1 Model of Spin Relaxation 141 7.2 Shape, Width and Intensity of Spectral Line 150 7.3 Dynamic Effects of Lineshape 155 7.4 Saturation-Transfer of Spectra 173 7.5 Intensity of Signal Dependent on Time 174 Exercises 175 References 176 Further Readings 178
CHAPTER 8 Quantitative Determination 179 8.1 Main Factors of Influence for Quantitative Determination 180 8.2 Selection & Preparation of Standard Samples 190 8.3 Crucial Parameters and Its Effect on the Intensity of EMR Signal 193 8.4 Achievable Accuracy of Quantitative Determination 194 Exercises 195 References 195
CHAPTER 9 Paramagnetic Gases & Inorganic Radicals 198 9.1 Spectra of Paramagnetic Gases 198 9.2 Expend of Research for EMR of Paramagnetic Gases 210 9.3 Inorganic Radicals 211 9.4 Point Defects in Solid States 214 9.5 Spectra of Conductor & Semiconductor 217 9.6 Method of the Structure Estimated by the Data of EMR 219 Exercises 220 References 220 Further Readings 223
CHAPTER 10 Transition Metal Ion & Its Complexes 224 10.1 Electron Ground State of Transition Metal Ion 224 10.2 Orbital Degeneracy Rescinded by Ligand Field 226 10.3 Electric Potential of Ligand Field 230 10.4 Energy Level Splitting of Transition Metal Ion in Ligand Field 231 10.5 Spin-Orbital Coupling & Spin Hamiltonian 238 10.6 Ground State Ion with Orbital Non-degeneracy 241 10.7 Ground State Ion with Orbital Degeneracy 254 10.8 EMR Spectra of Rare Earth Ions 263 10.9 EMR Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes 266 Exercises 266 References 267 Further Readings 270
Experiments 271
Appendix 1 Stretch & Expend of EMR 287
Appendix 2 Mathematical Preparations 338
Appendix 3 Angular Momentum & Stable State Perturbation Theory in Quantum Mechanics 353
Appendix 4 Basic Constants & Conversion Factors in Common Use 369
Appendix 5 The Natural Abundance, Nuclear Spin, Nuclear Magnetiogyric Ratio of Common Magnetic Nuclei and Their Hyperfine Coupling Parameters 372