Author Biography Foreword Preface Acknowledgments 1. Introduction 1.1 Dynamism 1.2 Structurity 1.3 Continuity 1.4 Embedding 1.5 Synergism 1.6 Functionalism References 2. Concept and Theory of Dynamic Operation of the Manufacturing Process 2.1 Process System and Basic Concepts 2.1.1 Process Manufacturing Industry 2.1.2 Spatiotemporal Scales of the Processes 2.1.3 Processes and Manufacturing Process 2.2 Process Engineering and Manufacturing Process Engineering 2.2.1 Engineering and Engineering Science 2.2.2 Process Engineering 2.2.3 Manufacturing Process Engineering 2.3 Physical Essence of Dynamic Operation of the Manufacturing Process System 2.3.1 Features of Manufacturing Process 2.3.2 Essence and Functions of Steel Manufacturing Process 2.4 Operation Process and Physical Levels of Dynamic Process System 2.4.1 Physical Features of Dynamic Running of Manufacturing Process 2.4.2 Three Kinds of Physical Systems 2.5 Evolution of Thermodynamics 2.5.1 From Thermomechanics to Thermodynamics 2.5.2 Classification of Thermodynamic System 2.5.3 Irreversibility 2.5.4 Processing Within Steady State——Near Equilibrium Region 2.5.5 Linear Irreversible Process 2.6 Open System and Dissipative Structure 2.6.1 What Is the Dissipative Structure 2.6.2 Features of the Dissipative Structure 2.6.3 Formation Conditions of Dissipative Structure 2.6.4 Fluctuations, Nonlinear Interaction, and Self-Organization in Engineering System 2.6.5 Critical Point and Critical Phenomenon References 3. Basic Elements of Dynamic Operation of the Steel Manufacturing Process 3.1 Flow in the Manufacturing Processes——Mass Flow, Energy Flow, Information Flow 3.2 Relationship Between Mass Flow and Energy Flow 3.3 Mass Flow/Energy Flow and Information Flow 3.4 Network of Manufacturing Process 3.4.1 What Is the Network 3.4.2 How to Study Network 3.5 Program of Manufacturing Process Running 3.6 Dissipation in Dynamic-Orderly Operation System 3.6.1 Flow Patterns and Dissipation 3.6.2 Operation Rhythm and Dissipation 3.6.3 Distribution of Procedure's Functions and Dissipation 3.7 Forms and Connotation of Time Factors in Steel Manufacturing Process 3.8 Contents and ObJectives for Dynamic Operation of Steel Manufacturing Process 3.8.1 Recognition Thinking Way 3.8.2 Research Contents of the Discipline 3.8.3 Strategic Objectives of Research References 4. Characteristics and Analysis of the Dynamic Operation of Steel Manufacturing Process 4.1 Research Method of Dynamic Operation Process 4.1.1 Evolution of Vision and Conception 4.1.2 Research Method of Process Engineering 4.2 Dynamic Operation and Structure Optimization of Process System 4.2.1 Process System and Structure 4.2.2 Connotations of Steel Plant Structure and the Trend of Steel Plant Restructuring 4.2.3 Dynamic Mechanics and Rules of the Macroscopic Operation in Manufacturing Process 4.2.4 The Relationship Between Dynamic Operation and Structure Optimization of Process 4.3 Self-Organization of Manufacturing Process and Hetero-Organization with Information 4.3.1 Self-Organization and Hetero-Organization of Process 4.3.2 Self-Organization Phenomenon in Steel Manufacturing Process 4.3.3 Self-Organization and Hetero-Organization in Process Integration 4.3.4 Impact of Informatization on Self-Organization and Hetero-Organization 4.4 Dynamic Operation of Mass Flow and Time-Space Management 4.4.1 Dynamic Regulation of the Time and the Dynamic Operation Gantt Chart 4.4.2 Conception of Clean Steel and the High-Efficiency and Low-Cost Clean Steel Production Platform 4.4.3 High-Efficiency and Low-Cost Clean Steel Production Platform and the Dynamic Operation Gantt Chart 4.4.4 Laminar Type or Stochastic Type Running of Mass Flow in Steel Production Processes 4.5 Function and Behavior of Energy Flow, and Energy Flow Network in the Steel Manufacturing Process 4.5.1 The Deeper Understanding of Physical Essence and Operation Rules of the Steel Manufacturing Process 4.5.2 Research Method and Feature of Energy Flow in the Process 4.5.3 Energy Flow and Energy Flow Network in Steel Plants 4.5.4 Macroscopic Operation Dynamics of the Energy Flow in the Steel Manufacturing Process 4.5.5 Energy Flow Network Control System and Energy Control Center References 5. Dynamic Tailored Design and Integration Theory of Steel Plants 5.1 Traditional Design and its Present Status 5.1.1 How to Recognize Design 5.1.2 Situation of Design Theory and Design Method 5.1.3 Present Status of Design Theory and Methodology for Steel Plants in China 5.2 Engineering Design 5.2.1 Engineering and Design 5.2.2 Innovation View of Engineering Design 5.2.3 Engineering Design and Knowledge Innovation 5.2.4 Engineering Design and Dynamic Tailored Solution 5.3 Design Theory and Methodology for Steel Plants 5.3.1 Background for Innovation of Steel Plant Design Theory and Method 5.3.2 Theory, Concept, and Development Trend of Steel Plant Design 5.3.3 Innovation Roadmap of Steel Plant Design Method 5.3.4 Dynamic Coupling in Steel Manufacturing Process's Dynamic-Orderly Operation 5.3.5 Energy Flow Network of Steel Manufacturing Process 5.4 Dynamic Tailored Design for Steel Plant 5.4.1 Difference Between Traditional Static Design and Dynamic Tailored Design for Steel Plant 5.4.2 Process Model for the Dynamic Tailored Design 5.4.3 Core Idea and Step of the Dynamic Tailored Design 5.5 Integration and Structure Optimization 5.5.1 Integration and Engineering Integration 5.5.2 Structure of Steel Plant References 6. Case Study 6.1 Process Structure Optimization in Steel Plant and BF Enlargement 6.1.1 Development Trend of BF Ironmaking 6.1.2 BF Enlargement with the Premise of the Optimization of Process Structure in Steel Plants 6.1.3 A Comparison of Technological Equipment of BFs with Different Volumes 6.1.4 Discussions 6.2 Interface Technology Between BF-BOF and Multifunctional Hot Metal Ladle 6.2.1 General Idea of Multifunction Hot Metal Ladle 6.2.2 Multifunction Hot Metal Ladle and Its Practice at Shougang Jingtang Steel 6.2.3 Practice of Multifunction Hot Metal Ladle at Shagang Group 6.2.4 Discussions 6.3 De[S]-De[Si]/[P] Pretreatment and High-Efficiency and Low-Cost Clean Steel Production Platform 6.3.1 Why Adopt the De[S]-De[Si]/[P] Pretreatment 6.3.2 Analysis-Optimization of Procedure Functions and Coordination-Optimization of Procedure Relationships in the De[S]-De[Si]/[P] Pretreatment 6.3.3 A Case Study on Full Hot Metal Pretreatment—— Steelmaking Plant in Wakayama Iron & Steel Works of Former Sumitomo Metal Industries 6.3.4 Different Types of Steel Plants with De[S]-De[Si]/[P] Pretreatment in Japan 6.3.5 Development of De[S]-De[Si]/[P] Pretreatment in Korea 6.3.6 Design and Operation of De[S]-De[Si]/[P] Pretreatment at Shougang Jingtang Steel in China 6.3.7 A Conceived High-Efficiency and Low-Cost Clean Steel Production Platform (Large-Scale Full Sheet Production Steelmaking Plant) 6.3.8 Theoretical Significance and Practical Value of De[S]-De[Si]/[P] Pretreatment 6.4 Optimization of Interface Technology Between CC and Bar Rolling Mill 6.4.1 Technological Base of Billet Direct Hot Charging 6.4.2 Practical Performance of Billet Direct Hot Charging Between No.6 Caster and No.1 Bar Rolling Mill 6.4.3 Practical Performance of Billet Direct Hot Charging Between No.5 Caster and No.2 Bar Mill 6.4.4 Progress on Fixed Weight Mode 6.4.5 Discussions Appendix A: Turnover Time Statistics of Steel Ladle in No.2 Steelmaking and Hot rolling Plant in Tangsteel References 7. Engineering Thinking and a New Generation of Steel Manufacturing Process 7.1 Engineering Thinking 7.1.1 Relationship Among Science, Technology, and Engineering 7.1.2 Characteristics of Thinking Mode in Chinese Culture 7.1.3 An Engineering Innovation Road in the Reductionism Deficiency 7.2 Engineering Evolution 7.2.1 Concept and Definition of Evolution 7.2.2 Technology Advancement and Engineering Evolution 7.2.3 Integration and Engineering Evolution 7.3 Thinking and Study of a New Generation of the Steel Manufacturing Process 7.3.1 Conception Study of Steel Manufacturing Process 7.3.2 Study of Top Level Design in the Process 7.3.3 Process Dynamic Tailored Design 7.3.4 Study of the Entire Process Dynamic Operation Rules 7.3.5 Some Recognization for the New Generation of the Steel Manufacturing Process 7.4 Development Direction of Metallurgical Engineering in the View of Engineering Philosophy References Index