Contents總序 文秋芳 iii導讀 韓寶成 羅凱洲 viAcknowledgments xxvi1 Objectives and expectations, or why we need another book about language testing 1PART I: Conceptual foundations 182 Issues and considerations 193 Describing language use and language ability 334 Describing characteristics of language use and language assessment tasks 595 Justifying the use of language assessments 86PART II: Constructing an Assessment Use Argument 1406 Overview of assessment development and use 1427 Initial planning 1498 Constructing an Assessment Use Argument for developing and justifying a language assessment 1599 The intended consequences of using language assessments 18310 The decisions to be made on the basis of language assessments 20011 Interpretations 21712 Assessment records 252PART III: Developing and using language assessments in the real world 25713 Real world conditions and constraints on language assessment 25914 Developing a Design Statement 28015 Developing assessment tasks 32016 Recording and interpreting assessment performance 33717 Blueprints 38718 Preparing effective instructions 40219 Collecting feedback and backing 41420 Identifying, allocating, and managing resources 43221 Using language assessments responsibly 450Bibliography 463Index 475