This book is composed mainly by two parts.The first part, chapter one to chapter eight, makesa brief introduction to different type of traditionalChinese architecture such as city, residence, pal-ace, Buddhism temple, garden and bridge; Thesecond part, chapter nine to chapter sixteen, ex-plains how traditional Chinese craftsmen work.By reading the first part, you can catch aglimpse of those great cities, splendid palaces,variety residence, solemn temples and elegantgardens. The second part mainly concerns somespecific construction craft. The traditional Chi-nese construction craft includes wood work,brick work, clay work, color-painting worketc. Each of them has unique skill and experi-ence which has been transferred from ancient topresent through mentorship. Because of specif-ic ancient Chinese society, most of those skilland experience could not be recorded on booksso the mentorship is the only way to keep them.Although this book describes some of those skilland experience, it can not reach even a tip of theiceberg!As authors of this book, we are not intendingto provide an instruction book for readers and tomake them become skillful craftsmen or crafts-women. We actually treat the craft history as apart of whole human history so that this specificview point could make us know something moreabout how ancient people do, how they build,how they live and hence we could know moreabout ourselves.《營造/中國手工藝》由安沛君、楊瑞著。