前言 使用說明 The Wolf and theLamb The Milkmaid andHer Pail of milk The Man and theWood The Dog and theShadow The Woodman and theSerpent The Bat, the Birds, andthe Beasts The Wolf in Sheep'sClothing The Man and theWooden God The Hart in theOx—stail The Fisherman andthe Little Fish The Fox Without aTail The One—eyed Doe Belling the Cat The Old Man andDeath The Lion in Love The Fox and theGoat The Man and His TwoWives The Wolf and theCrane The old Lion The Dog and theWolf The Boy Bathing The Two Frogs The Wolves and theSheepdogs The Thieves and theCock The Vine and theGoat The Fox and theGrapes The Raven and theSwan The Cat and theBirds The Hares and theFrogs The Lion and theHare The Bear and theFox The Fox and theLion The Nurse and theWolf The Lion and theMouse Avaricious andEnvious The Goose With theGolden Eggs The Ass in theLion's Skin The Ant and theDove The Peacock and theCrane The Lion, the Bear, andthe Fox The Ass' Brains The Bundle ofSticks The Young Thief andHis Mother The Crab and ItsMother The Ant and theGrasshopper The Ass and theGrasshopper The Frog and the Ox The Swollen Fox The Horse and theAss The Ass and HisPurchaser The Four Oxen andthe Lion The Fox and theMosquitoes The Miser and HisGold The Lion and theStatue The Cat and Venus Two Fellows and theBear The Crow and thePitcher The Wind and theSun The Tortoise andthe Birds The Hare and theTortoise