PREFACE Chapter One: A Crisis on the Table--Food Security Section One: Symptom and Impact of Global Food Crisis 1. Symptom of Food Crisis 2. Impact of Food Crisis Section Two: Food Security in China Section Three: Food Security in Heilongjiang Province Chapter Two: Nature's Endowment--Resources Section One: Land Resources 1. Land Form and Topography 2. Black Land 3. The Development of Farmland in Heilongiiang 4. The Formation and Distribution of Farmland in Heilongjiang Section Two: Forestry 1. The Overview of Forest Resources 2. History and Development of Forest Industry 3. Achievements of Three North Shelter Forests 4. Improvement of Eco-environment and the Exploration of Forest Resources Section Three: Wetland Resources 1. An Overview of Wetland in Heilongjiang 2. The Development and Protection of Wetland Section Four: Grassland Resources 1. An Overview of Grassland Resources 2. Eco-functions of Grassland 3. Improvement of Grassland Section Five. Weather Resources 1. Basic Meteorological Characteristics 2. Distinctive Meteorology Resources for Growing Crops 3. Meteorological Advantages Section Six: Water Resources 1. Water System 2. The Features of the Water Resources 3. Water Resources Volume 4. The Development of Water Resources Chapter Three: Food Production--the Fine Tool for Developing Agriculture Section One: Heilongjiang's Food Production Capability 1. Historical Contribution to Food Production 2. Thoughts and Methods on Building Food Production Capability 3. Outstanding Achievements in Food Production Capability Section Two: Irrigation Infrastructure Construction 1. The Development of Irrigation Infrastructure Construction in Heilongjiang 2. A Historical Leap forward in the Development of Irrigation Construction since the Implementation of the 11th Five-Year Plan Section Three. Agricultural Mechanization 1. Advanced Agricultural Mechanization 2. Directions and Priorities of Agricultural Mechanization in Heilongjiang 3. The Important Role of Agricultural Mechanization Section Four. Development of Agricultural Science and Technology 1. Fruitful Achievements in Innovation of Agricultural Science and Technology 2. System of Agro-Tech Promotion Was Improved 3. Training Courses on Agricultural Technology Were Held to Increase Farmers' Knowledge on Agro-Tech Section Five. Integrated Agricultural Development 1. The Course of Integrated Agricultural Development in Heilongjiang 2. Measures Taken in Integrated Agricultural Development 3. Integrated Agricultural Development Made Historical Contri- bution to Increase Food Production in Heilongiiang Chapter Four: A Bite of Honor---Food Safety Section One. Green Food in Heilongjiang 1. Green Food Production 2. The Construction of the Market System for Green Food 3. Green Food Export Section Two: Construction of Quality Assurance System for Agro-Products 1. Heilongjiang Reclamation Region--the Test Ground for Quality Assurance System 2. The Construction of Quality Assurance System for Agro-Products in Heilongjiang 3. Quality Certification Was Promoted Section Three. Food Management and Distribution 1. Food Purchase System Was Improved 2. Reform on State-Owned Food Purchase and Sale Companies 3. Improvement of Macro-Control Policies 4. Supervision of Food Market and Public Service Were Beefed up 5. Infrastructure Construction of Food Storage and Logistics Was Strengthened Chapter Five: Competitiveness--a Unique Advantage Section One: Advantage of Large Scale Operation 1. Large Scale Eco-system 2. Large Scale Regional Distribution 3. Large Scale Mechanized Operation 4. Large Scale Land Management and Operation Section Two: Advantages of Agro-Products Processing 1. Unmatched Material Advantages 2. Advantages of Qualified Products 3. Advantages of the Brands 4. Advantages of Large Scale Processing Industry Section Three: Advantages of Opening up to Russia 1. Another Way 2. Strategic Upgrade 3. Strategic Adjustments 4. Achievements 5. Bright Future Chapter Six: A Manifest of Modern Agriculture---Reclamation Area in Heilongjiang Section One: A Hard Path Taken Section Two: Modern Reclamation in Heilongjiang 1. Innovation in Means of Production 2. Efficiency Was Increased 3. Level of Standardization Was Raised Section Three: Integrated Development of Rural and Urban Areas Chapter Seven: Agriculture Changes the World--the Potential of Heilongjiang Section One: The Potential of the Nature 1. The Potential of the Weather Resources 2. The Potential of Water Resources 3. The Potential of Reform of Land Resources Section Two : The Potential of Optimizing Farming Structure 1. The Potential of Increase in Food Production 2. The Potential of Commodity Crops 3. The Potential of the Growth of Feed Section Three: The Potential of Science and Technology 1. The Potential of Innovation 2. The Potential of Training New Professional Farmers Section Four: The Potential of Development and Reform of Agriculture 1. The Potential of Reform on Operation System 2. Reform on Industrial System of Modern Agriculture 3. The Potential of Deepening Reform on Land Management System 4. The Potential of Reform on Market Circulation of Agro-Products Chapter Eight: Ecological System in Heilongjiang---Food Stabilizes China Section One: Heilongjiang's Responsibility 1. The Significant of Strategic Plan on Food Security 2. Heilongjiang, a Strategic Force in Safeguarding Food Security of China 3. Five Systems in Boosting Innovation Section Two: The Determination of the Heilongiang People 1. The Determination and Action Coming from Scientific Analysis of Global Food Security 2. The Determination and Actions Coming from Natural Resources 3. The Determination and Actions Coming from Development Concept and Pragmatic Plan 4. The Determination and Actions Coming from Solid Foundation of Agricultural Development 5. The Determination and Actions Coming from a Spirit of Sacrifice of Heilongjiang People Section Three: A Bright Future 1. Science and Technology in Increasing Food Production 2. Heilongjiang Attached Great Importance to Foundation of Agricultural Development 3. Subjects of Agricultural Operation Innovated by Cooperation 4. The Construction of Pilot Zones of Modern Agriculture 5. Ecological Protection Serving as Foundation for Good Harvest