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Adams-Victor神經(jīng)病學(xué)(第10版 英文版)

Adams-Victor神經(jīng)病學(xué)(第10版 英文版)

定 價:¥798.00

作 者: (美)Allan H.Ropper 等
出版社: 北京聯(lián)合出版公司
標(biāo) 簽: 內(nèi)科學(xué) 神經(jīng)內(nèi)科 醫(yī)學(xué)

ISBN: 9787550293618 出版時間: 2017-03-01 包裝: 平裝-膠訂
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  


暫缺《Adams-Victor神經(jīng)病學(xué)(第10版 英文版)》簡介




簡 目PART 1: THE CLINICAL METHOD OFNEUROLOGYPART 2: CARDINAL MANIFESTATIONS OFNEUROLOGIC DISEASESECTION 1 Disorders of MotilitySECTION 2 Pain and Other Disordersof Somatic Sensation,Headache,andBackacheSECTION 3 Disorders of the SpecialSensesSECTION 4 Epilepsy and Disorders ofConsciousnessSECTION 5 Derangements ofIntellect,Behavior, and Language Caused by Diffuseand Focal Cerebral Disease SECTION 6 Disorders of Energy, Mood,and Autonomic and Endocrine FunctionsPART 3: GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OFTHE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND THENEUROLOGY OF AGINGPART 4: MAJOR CATEGORIES OFNEUROLOGIC DISEASEPART 5: Diseases of SpinalCord,Peripheral Nerve, And Muscle PART 6: PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS目 錄PrefaceAcknowledgmentsPART 1: THE CLINICALMETHOD OF NEUROLOGY1 Approach to thePatient with N eurologic Disease2 Imaging,Electrophysiologic,and Laboratory Techniques for Neurologic DiagnosisPART 2: CARDINALMANIFESTATIONS OF NEUROLOGIC DISEASESECTION 1 Disorders ofMotility3 Motor Paralysis4 Abnormalities ofMovement and Posture Caused by Disease of the Basal Ganglia 5 Ataxia and Disordersof Cerebellar Function 6 Tremor, Myoclonus,Focal Dystonias, and Tics 7 Disorders of Stanceand Gait SECTION 2 Pain and OtherDisorders of Somatic Sensation,Headache,andBackache8 Pain9 Other SomaticSensation 10 Headache and OtherCraniofacial Pains 11 Pain in the Back,Neck, and Extremities SECTION 3 Disorders ofthe Special Senses 12 Disorders of Smelland Taste 13 Disturbances ofVision 14 Disorders of OcularMovement and Pupillary Function 15 Deafness, Dizziness,and Disorders of Equilibrium SECTION 4 Epilepsy andDisorders of Consciousness 16 Epilepsy and OtherSeizure Disorders 17 Coma and RelatedDisorders of Consciousness 18 Faintness and Syncope19 Sleep and ItsAbnormalities SECTION 5 Derangementsof Intellect,Behavior, and Language Caused by Diffuseand Focal CerebralDisease 20 Delirium and OtherAcute Confusional States 21 Dementia, the AmnesicSyndrome, and the Neurology of Intelligence and Memory 22 Neurologic DisordersCaused by Lesions in Specific Parts of the Cerebrum 23 Disorders of Speechand Language SECTION 6 Disorders ofEnergy, Mood, and Autonomic and Endocrine Functions 24 Fatigue, Asthenia,Anxiety, and Depression25 The Limbic Lobes andthe Neurology of Emotion 26 Disorders of theAutonomic Nervous System,Respiration, and Swallowing 27 The Hypothalamus andNeuroendocrine Disorders PART 3: GROWTH ANDDEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND THENEUROLOGY OF AGING 28 Normal Developmentand Deviations in Development of the Nervous System 29 The Neurology ofAging PART 4: MAJOR CATEGORIESOF NEUROLOGIC DISEASE 30 Disturbances ofCerebrospinal Fluid,Including Hydrocephalus, PseudotumorCerebri, andLow-Pressure Syndromes 31 IntracranialNeoplasms and Paraneoplastic Disorders 32 Infections of theNervous System (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis33 Viral Infections ofthe Nervous System,Chronic Meningitis, and Prion Diseases 34 CerebrovascularDiseases 35 CraniocerebralTrauma36 Multiple Sclerosisand Other Inflammatory Demyelinating Diseases 37 Inherited MetabolicDiseases of the Nervous System 38 DevelopmentalDiseases of the Nervous System 39 D egenerativeDiseases of the Nervous System 40 The AcquiredMetabolic Disorders of the Nervous System 41 Diseases of theNervous System Caused by Nutritional Deficiency 42 Alcohol andAlcoholism 118643 Disorders of theNervous System Caused by Drugs, Toxins, and Chemical Agents PART 5: Diseases ofSpinal Cord,Peripheral Nerve, And Muscle 44 Diseases of theSpinal Cord 45 E lectrophysiologicand Laboratory Aids in the Diagnosis of Neuromuscular Disease 46 Diseases of thePeripheral Nerves 47 D iseases of theCranial Nerves 48 Diseases of Muscle 49 Myasthenia Gravis andRelated Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction 50 The Myotonias,Periodic Paralyses, Cramps,Spasms, and States of Persistent MuscleFiber Activity PART 6: PSYCHIATRICDISORDERS 51 Anxiety Disorders,Hysteria, and Personality Disorders 52 Depressionand Bipolar Disease 53 Schizophrenia,Delusional and ParanoidStates Index


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