簡(jiǎn) 目ⅠINTRODUCTIONⅡABDOMINALWALLⅢESOPHAGUSⅣSTOMACHANDDUODENUMⅤINTESTINEANDCOLONⅥRECTUMANDANUSⅦIVERⅧGALLBLADDERANDBILE DUCTSⅨPANCREASⅩSPLEENANDADRENAL目 錄Contributors ixPreface ⅠINTRODUCTION 1.A Focused Historyof Surgery 2.Preoperative andPostoperativeManagement 3.Endoscopy andEndoscopic Intervention 4.Fundamentals ofLaparoscopic Surgery 5.LaparoscopicStaging and Approaches toCancer ⅡABDOMINAL WALL 6.Incisions,Closures, and Management of the Abdominal Wound 7.Hernias 8.Perspective onHernias 9. IntestinalStomas10.AbdominalAbscess and EntericFistulae 11.Gastrointestinal Bleeding 12.Management ofAbdominal Trauma 13.AbdominalVascular Emergencies ⅢESOPHAGUS 14.BenignEsophageal Disorders 15.Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Hiatal Hernia (IncludingParaesophageal) 14.Perspective onBenign Esophageal Disease 16.Cancer of theEsophagus 17.SurgicalProcedures to Resect and Replace theEsophagus 18.Video-AssistedThoracic Surgery of the Esophagus19.Perspective onMalignant Esophageal DiseaseⅣSTOMACH AND DUODENUM 20.Benign GastricDisorders 21.GastricAdenocarcinoma and Other GastricNeoplasms (Except Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors) 22.Perspective onGastric Cancer 23. Gastrointestinal Stromal TumorsC/›andrajit P. Raut 24. Perspective on Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors 25.Stomach andDuodenum: Operative Procedures 26.Morbid Obesityand Its Surgical Treatment 27.Perspective onMorbid Obesity and Its Surgical Treatment ⅤINTESTINE AND COLON 28. Small Bowel Obstruction 29. Tumors of theSmall Intestine 30. Appendix, Meckel’s, and Other Small Bowel Diverticula 31.DiverticularDisease and Colonic Volvulus 32.Crohn’s Disease 33.UlcerativeColitis 34.Perspective oninflammatory Bowel Disease35.LaparoscopicColorectal Procedures 36.Perspective on Colonic Neoplasms ⅥRECTUM AND ANUS 80137.BenignDisorders of the Anorectum (PelvicFloor, Fissures, Hemorrhoids, and Fistulas) 38.Cancer of theRectum39.Perspective onRectal Cancer 40. Cancer of the Anus ⅦLIVER 41. HepaticAbscess and Cystic Disease of the Liver42. Benign andMalignant Primary Liver Neoplasms 43. Hepatic Colorectal Metastases: Resection,Pumps, and Ablation 44.Perspective onLiver Surgery 45.PortalHypertension ⅧGALLBLADDER AND BILE DUCTS 99346.Cholecystitis andCholelithiasis 47.Choledocholithiasis and Cholangitis 48.CholedochalCyst and Benign BiliaryStrictures 49.Cancer of theGallbladder and BileDucts 50. LaparoscopicBiliary Procedures ⅨPANCREAS 51.Management ofAcutePancreatitis 52.Complicationsof Acute Pancreatitis (IncludingPseudocysts) 53.ChronicPancreatitis 54.Perspective onManagement of Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis 55.Cystic Neoplasmsof the Pancreas 56.Cancers of thePeriampullary Region and thePancreas 57.EndocrineTumors of the Pancreas 58.Perspective onPancreatic Neoplasms ⅩSPLEEN AND ADRENAL 59.The Spleen60. Adrenalectomy Index