Contents Acknowledgments Preface I.General Description1 1.Geographic Distribution of Genera and Species1 2.Uses and Economic Importance2 3.History of Study of the Chenopodiaceae4 Ⅱ.Analysis of Morpological Characters of Chenopodiaceae and Evolutionary Trends5 1.Trichome Type5 2.Fruits8 3.Seed and Perisperm8 4.Morphology of the Embryo11 5.Position of Embryo and Radica1Orientation12 6.Bracts and Bractlets14 7.Leaf Anatomy, C3 to C4 (Kranz)16 8.Floral Sex18 9.Perianth(Fruiting Perianth)20 1O.Anther Appendages22 11.Florra1 Disk and Ruldimental Stamens23 12.Pollen Grains24 13.Leaf Morphology and Arrangement27 14.Jointed Internode Mohology29 15.Inflorescence30 16.Root System and Root Sprouting31 17.Life Form and Life Span(Relationship Betrween Herbs and Shrubs)31 18.Chromosomes32 19.Populations32 Ⅲ.Chenopodiaceae plans and Analysis of General Evolutionary Trends35 1.Transition from Insect Pollination to Wind Pol1ination35 2.Arid-adapted Variation in Plant Body Construction 36 Ⅳ.A New System of Taxa for Chenopodiaceae38 SubfamilyI.CHENOPODIOIDEAE Ulbrich38 SubfamilyⅡ.SUAEDIOIDEAE Ulbrich39 SubfamilyⅢ.ATRIPLICIOIDEAE39 SubfamilyIV.CAMPHOROSMEOIDEAE Moq.40 SubfamilyV.CORISPERMEOIDEAE Moq.41 SubfamilyVI.SALICORNIOIDEAE Dum.41 SubfamilyVII.SALSOLOIDEAE U1brich42 v.Synoptica1 Arrangement of the Chenopodiaceae44 VI.Formation of Recent Distribution Patterns45 1.Comparison of Number of Genera by Area45 2.Distribution Center52 3.Analysis of Generic Disjunct Distributions52 Ⅶ.Origin of the Chenopodiaceae54 Ⅷ.Assessment of Extant Genera of Chenopodiaceae56 Subfamily I.CHENOPODIOIDEAE U1brich56 SubfamilyⅡ.SUAEDIOIDEAE U1brich101 SubfamilyⅢ.ATRIPLICEOIDEAE117 Subfamily IV.CAMPHOROSMEOIDEAE Moq.174 Subfamily V.CORISPERMEOIDEAE Moq.216 Subfami1y VI.SALICORNIOIDEAE Dum.235 Subfami1y VII.SALSOLOIDEAE U1brich258 Appendix 1:New Taxa330 Appendix 11:Genera That Shou1d be Included in Amaranthaceae and Other Families347 References355 Index of Genera and Subfamily Names359