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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科歷史中國史中國史料典籍上海法租界的警察(1910-1937年)



定 價(jià):¥98.00

作 者: 朱曉明
出版社: 社會(huì)科學(xué)文獻(xiàn)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787520106337 出版時(shí)間: 2017-06-01 包裝:
開本: 頁數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  




  朱曉明,1981年生于山東淄博。現(xiàn)任教于中國人民大學(xué)國際關(guān)系學(xué)院政治學(xué)系。本碩畢業(yè)于華東師范大學(xué)歷史系,博士畢業(yè)于法國里昂高等師范(Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon),師從安克強(qiáng)(Christian Henriot)教授和許紀(jì)霖教授,主攻中國近現(xiàn)代史。


Chapter Ⅰ The origin of the police in the French Concession/21
  1 The legal bases of the police in the French Concession/21
  2 Special geography of jurisdictions in Shanghai/40
  3 Urbanisation and new challenges for the police/48
  4 The network of the French Colonial Empire/55
Chapter Ⅱ Organisation of the police/61
  1 Control of the police by the French Consul/61
  2 Militarisation and professionalisation of the police/70
  3 Organisations and functions of the police in the 1930s/102
  4 Police costs and revenue/106
Chapter Ⅲ The police force in the French Concession/113
  1 A multinational police force/11
  2 Standards of recruitment/124
  3 Training and the courses to become a policeman/136
  4 Salariesandwelfarebenefits/140
  5 Job stability and career/171
  6 A day in the life of a policeman in Shanghai/191
Chapter Ⅳ Police and politics: A history of the political section of the police/195
  1 Organisation of the Political Section and its functions/195
  2 The Guomindang and the Chinese communists in the French Concession/207
  3 The Japanese factor/223
General Conclusion/236

Table 1.1 Population growth in the three areas of Shanghai, 1865–1937/49
Table 1.2 Population in Shanghai’s French Concession, 1865–1936/50
Table 1.3 Statistics of male and female population in Shanghai’s French Concession, 1910–36/51
Table 1.4 Statistics of reported rape in the French Concession/55
Table 2.1 A list of the disputes between the French Consul and the MAC, after which the MAC
      was dissolved/62
Table 2.2a International Settlement of Shanghai/73
Table 2.2b French Concession of Shanghai/74
Table 2.3 Comparison of salaries in 1907 and 1908/75
Table 2.4 Proposed housing conditions for European policemen/76
Table 2.5 Cards established by the French police and SMP, 1911–13/77
Table 2.6 Numbers of Chinese and European policemen, 1913–19/78
Table 2.7 Criminal gangs arrested from 1920 to 1927/85
Table 2.8 Statistics of theft, kidnapping and armed robbery in the French Concession of
Table 2.9 Police budge within the Municipal budget, 1911–37/107
Table 2.10 Costs of personnel, police equipment, and defence of the concession/108
Table 2.11 Infringements of municipal regulations resulting in fines imposed directly
      by the police/109
Table 2.12 Cost of hiring a policeman as a watchman/110
Table 3.1 The number of European and Chinese policemen, 1871–1906/116
Table 3.2 French personnel, 1930–37/118
Table 3.3 Native province of the Chinese policemen/132
Table 3.4 Professions before entering into the police/134
Table 3.5 Salary scale for French personnel of the Municipal Guards in 1920/142
Table 3.6 A comparason of salary scales for French personnel of the Municipal Guards in 1934
      and 1920/144
Table 3.7 Monthly salaries of policemen in 1913/145
Table 3.8 A comparison of monthly salaries of low-ranked policemen, 1911– 37/146
Table 3.9 Salaries of the Russian policemen, c.1934/147
Table 3.10 A Comparaison of salaries between the employees of Public Works and the Police
      in 1930 and 1931/149
Table 3.11 Monthly salaries in the SMP and the Municipal Guards (1896)/151
Table 3.12 Salaries of Chinese policemen in the Municipal Guards, 1897 and 1899/152
Table 3.13 A comparison of the number of policemen in the two concessions of Shanghai/154
Table 3.14 Price index for Shanghai workers/155
Table 3.15 Monthly salaries of Chinese and French constables, 1926–37/156
Tables 3.16a, b, c Marriage statistics of French policemen in 1942/165
Table 3.17 Comments for a promotion/173
Table 3.18 The exam of appointment/174
Table 3.19 Chief Sergeant Exam/174
Table 3.20 The technical police exam/175
Table 3.21 Exam for District Supervisor diploma/176
Table 3.22 The years of service for 103 Chinese policemen/183
Table 3.23 Reasons for leaving the police force/183
Table 3.24 Reasons for the Chinese policemen to leave the police in 1911/184
Table 3.25 List of fines on 9 November 1936/192
Table 4.1 Comparison of arrests and condemnations of communists in the French Concession/219
Figure 1.1 Crime statistics in Shanghai’s French Concession, 1911–37/54
Figure 2.1 The structure of the police force in the 1930s/102
Figure 3.1 Range of salaries in the hierarchy of the French Police in Shanghai in 1920/141
Figure 3.2 Salary index of Chinese and French constables/156
Figure 3.3 Police sickness record (number of days absent)/163  


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