Chapter OneTransnational Academic Mobility: Chinese and British Academics in Transnational Academic Space Introduction: Transnational Encounters Across Space and Time 1Background of the Study 2Theoretical Framework 3Purpose Statement and Research Questions 4Significance of the Project 5Structure of the Thesis Chapter TwoInternationalisation and Transnational Academic Mobility Introduction 1The Process of Internationalisation of Higher Education in Chinese and British National Contexts 2Transnationalism, Academic Mobility and Practices 3Conceptual Tools—Connecting Pierre Bourdieus Theory of Practice, the Notion of Place,and Transitional Academic Migration Conclusion: Research Agenda of the Study Chapter ThreeResearching Transnational Academic Mobility 1Site Selection 2Participant Selection 3Research Methods for Data Collection 4Positionality 5Data Analysis 6Ethical Issues Conclusion: Reflections after Fieldwork Chapter FourSwitching Places: Offshore Working Challenges, Opportunities and Reasons for‘Moving’ Introduction 1Cultivating Transnational Capital form ‘Above’: Importance of Policy and Capital Exchange in Directing Academic Migration 2Negotiating Restrictions from ‘Below’: How is Academic Mobility Influenced by the Reproduction of Academic (Dis)advantage in Professional Practice? Conclusion Chapter FiveAcademic Challenges and Adjustments in Transnational Teaching Space: a Recreation of Pedagogies Introduction 1The Emergence of ‘Transnational’ Teaching and Assessment Methods 2TeacherStudent Relations in the Transnational Classroom Chapter SixChinese and British Academic Migrants’ Working Experience in Transnational University Space Introduction 1Workplace—Office 2Social Place 3Residence Chapter SevenConclusion 1Academic Mobility, Capital Exchange and Grounded Working Experience 2Transnational Teaching: Challenges, Adjustments, and Creativeness 3Transnational Practice and University Space 4Final Conceptual Structure of the Thesis 5Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Study 6Significance of the Study