Chapter One Technical Gist of Farmland Tillage, Seeding and Transplantation 1.1 Technical Gist of Farmland Tillage 1.1.1 Tillage Methods 1.1.2 Tillage of Wheat Field 1.1.3 Tillage of Corn Field 1.1.4 Tillage of Cotton Field 1.1.5 Tillage of Peanut Field 1.1.6 Tillage of Sweet Potato Field 1.2 Technical Gist of Field Seeding 1.2.1 Seeds Germination Conditions and Process 1.2.2 The Preparation before Sowing 1.2.3 Determination of Seeding Time, Rate and Methods 1.2.4 Wheat Seeding Techniques 1.2.5 Corn Seeding Techniques 1.2.6 Cotton Seeding Techniques 1.2.7 Peanut Seeding Techniques 1.3 Technical Gist of Seedling Cultivation and Transplantation 1.3.1 Seedling Cultivation and Seedbeds Management 1.3.2 Technical Gist of Corn Transplantation 1.3.3 Technical Gist of Cotton Transplantation 1.3.4 Technical Gist of Transplantation and Seeding of Sweet Potato Chapter Two Technical Gist of Field Management at Different Growing Stages for Crops 2.1 Technical Gist of Field Management during the Early Stage (Seedling Stage) 2.1.1 The Early Stage of Winter Wheat (Seedling~Standing) 2.1.2 Early Stage of Corn (Seedling~Jointing) 2.1.3 The Early Stage of Cotton (Seedling~Budding) 2.1.4 Peanut in the Early Growing Stage (Seedling Emergence~Flowering) 2.1.5 Sweet Potato in the Early Growing Stage (Transplanting~Stabilizing of Available Sweet Potato Number) 2.2 Technical Gist of Field Management in the Middle Growing Stage of Crops 2.2.1 The Middle Growth Stage of Winter Wheat (Standing~Heading) 2.2.2 The Middle Growth Stage of Corn (Jointing~Tasseling) 2.2.3 Middle Growing Stage of Cotton 2.2.4 Middle Growing Stage of Peanuts (Flowering~Yielding) 2.2.5 Middle Growing Stage of Sweet Potato (Stabilized Sweet Potato Number~Growth Peak of Stem Leaves) 2.3 Technical Gist of Field Management and Harvesting in the Latter Growing Stage of Crops 2.3.1 Latter Stage of Winter Wheat (Earing~Maturing) 2.3.2 Latter Growing Stage of Corn (Earing~Maturing) 2.3.3 The Latter Growing Stage of Cotton (13o11 Opening~End of Bearing) 2.3.4 The Latter Growing Stage of Peanut (Yielding~Maturing) 2.3.5 Latter Stage of Sweet Potatoes (Growth Peak of Stem Leaves~ Harvesting) Chapter Three Technical Gist of Prevention and Control of Common Diseases, Pests and Weeds in the Fields 3.1 Gist of Identification, Prevention and Control of Common Diseases and Pests in the Fields 3.1.1 Basic Terminology of Diseases and Pests 3.1.2 Identification, Prevention and Control of Common Wheat Diseases 3.1.3 Identification, Prevention and Control of Common Corn Diseases 3.1.4 Identification, Prevention and Control of Common Cotton Diseases 3.1.5 Identification, Prevention and Control of Common Sweet Potato Diseases 3.1.6 Identification, Prevention and Control of Common Peanuts' Diseases 3.2 Features of Occurrence and Damage of Common Field Injurious Insects and Gist of Prevention and Control 3.2.1 Features of Occurrence and Damage of Soil Insects and Prevention and Control 3.2.2 Features of the Occurrence and Damage of Common Wheat Pests and Prevention and Control Methods 3.2.3 Features of the Occurrence and Damage of Common Corn Pests and Prevention and Control Methods 3.2.4 Occurrence, Damage, Prevention and Control of Cornnon Cotton Pests 3.3 Common Weeds and Chemical Prevention and Removal 3.3.1 Some Basic Terminology about Weed Prevention 3.3.2 Common Weeds in Wheat Fields and Chemical Prevention and Control 3.3.3 Common Weeds and Their Chemical Prevention Control in Corn Fields 3.3.4 Weeds and Chemical Prevention and Control in Cotton Fields Chapter Four Other Special Field Technical Gist 4.1 Technical Gist of Field Fertilization 4.1.1 Basic Terms of Fertilization 4.1.2 Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiency in Crops 4.1.3 Basic Features of Agricultural Fertilizers 4.1.4 Technical Gist of Fertilization for Winter Wheat 4.1.5 Technical Gist of Fertilization for Corn 4.1.6 Technical Gist of Fertilization for Cotton 4.1.7 Technical Gist of Fertilization for Peanut 4.1.8 Technical Gist of Fertilization for Sweet Potato 4.2 Technical Gist of Field Irrigation 4.2.1 Basic Terminology Concerning Irrigation 4.2.2 Technical Gist of Winter Wheat Irrigation 4.2.3 Technical Gist of Corn Irrigation 4.2.4 Technical Gist of Cotton Irrigation 4.2.5 Technical Gist of Sweet Potato Irrigation 4.2.6 Technical Gist of Peanut Irrigation 4.3 Technical Gist of Sexual Hybridization, Purification and Rejuvenation and Production of Hybrid Seeds 4.3.1 Technical Gist of Sexual Hybridization for Wheat and Corn 4.3.2 Technical Gist of Corn Hybrid Seed Production 4.3.3 Purification and Rejuvenation of Corn Inbred Line and Cotton Variety Appendix Appendix Ⅰ Farming Calender in Northern Agricultural Production Area Appendix Ⅱ Favorable External Conditions for Different Plants in Major Stages and Field Techniques (1) Winter Wheat (2) Corn (3) Cotton (4) Peanut (5) Sweet Potato Appendix Ⅲ Table of Precipitation Intensity Level Appendix Ⅳ Precipitation (mm) in Water Yield per mu Appendix Ⅴ Identification of Farmland Fertility Level Appendix Ⅴ Staple Crops' Uptake of Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium Appendix Ⅰ Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiency in Staple Crops Appendix Ⅱ Properties of Major Fertilizers and Application Instructions (1) Nitrogen Fertilizer (2) Phosphate Fertilizer (3) Potassium Fertilizer (4) Compound Fertilizer (5) Microelement Fertilizer