Contents Foreword Preface Section I Magnetic Fields and Their Biological Effects Chapter I Medical Theranostics Based on Iron Oxide Nanoparticles under Magnetic Fields 3 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Propcrties of IONPs under magnetic ficlds 4 1.3 Pharmacokinetic and biocompability 5 1.4 Contrast agcnts of MRI 7 1.5 Hyperthermal agents 8 1.6 Drug delivcry systcms 12 1.7 Multimodality theranostics systems of magnetic microbubbles, microcapsules and liposomes 13 1.8 0ther thcrapeutic potcntials 17 1.9 Summary and future prospective 20 Rcfercnccs 21 Chapter 2Progress of Static Magnetic Fields and Cancer Research in China 31 2.1 Initial clinical studics showcd that SMFs could inhibit cancor growth in some patients 34 2.2 Ccllular studics show that SMF inhibits multiplc canccr ccll growth but has minimum effects on non-cancer cells 36 2.3 Mcchanisms of canccr inhibition by SMFs studicd at molccular, ccllular and animal levels 37 2.4 SMF in combination with chemodrugs 48 2.5 Paramctcrs that dircctly affoct the outcomcs of SMF cxposurc 50 References 54 Chapter 3Study of SMF's Effects on Cells: Microorganisms: Animals and Plants in NPU 61 3.1The offccts of SMFs on cclls 62 3.2 The effects of SMFs on microorganism 72 3.3 The cffbcts of SMF on small animals 74 3.4 The effects of SMFs on plants 78 Rcfcronccs 80 Chapter 4In Vitro Cellular Response to ELF-MF and RF-EMF 83 4.1 Gap junctional intercellular communication 85 4.2 Epidcrmal growth factor rccoptor (EGFR) clustoring 88 4.3 Stress kinases signaling in response to ELF-MF 91 4.4 Efrcct of ELF-MF and RF-EMF on gonc cxprcssion 92 4.5 Effect of ELF-MF and RF-EMF on protein expression 95 4.6 DNA damage response to EMF exposure 97 Rcfcrcncos 100 Chapter 5Utilization of Magnetic Field for Protein Crystallization 108 5.1 Introduction 109 5.2 Effocts of magnotic fiold on protcin crystallization 117 5.3 Quality of protoin crystals obtainod in the magnctic ficld 125 5.4 Toward applications in practical protein crystallization 133 5.5 Concluding rcmarks and futurc pcrspcctives 135 References 136 Chapter 6High Static Magnetic Fields (SMFs) on Reproduction and Development of an Intact Living Organism: Caenorhabditiselegans 144 6.1Caenorhabditis elegans (C. eleqans) and its rosponsc to magnctic field 146 6.2 Sourco of high SMF and oxposurc proccdurcs 148 6.3 SMFs on the lifespan and development process of C. elega'ns 149 6.4 SMF on brood sizc and gcrmline apoptosis in C. elega'ns 151 6.5SMF on mitochondrial damage and oxidatiw stress in C.elegans 156 References 159 Chapter 7Low FYequency Magnetic Field Regulates Immunity and Inhibits Cancer 164 7.1 Low frcquency magnotic ficld (LF-MF) oxposure systcm 164 7.2 Screening for suitable tumor parameters of LF-MF 166 7.3 Tumor inhibition cffbct of LF-MF 167 7.4 LF-MF modulated the function of immune system 181 7.5 LF-MF inhibited adipogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells 192 7.6 Research progress of MF in China 197 7.7 Summary 202 References 202 Chapter 8Moderate Intensity Rotating Low Frequency Magnetic Fields and Their Effects on Human Bodies 210 8.1 MIR-LF-MF with different parameters 211 8.2 MIR-LF-MF effects on healthy volunteers 214 8.3 MIR-LF-MF and high-altitude polycythemia (HAPC) 215 8.4 MIR-LF-MF effects on patients with chronic diseases 216 8.5 MIR-LF-MF effects on cancer patients 217 8.6 General effects of MIR-LF-MR on human bodies and working hypothesis 220 8.7 Conclusions and perspectives 222 References 222 Chapter 9 Advances in Static Magnetic Field Safety Studies 224 9.1 Laboratory studies with cells 225 9.2 Laboratory studies with animals 227 9.3 SMF studies with humans 229 9.4 Epidemiological studies 231 References 232 Section 2Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Chapter 10 Structural Basis of Biomolecular Interactions Studied by NMR Spectroscopy 243 10.1 Expcrimcntal considcrations of NMR-basod structural studics 244 10.2 Proteins related to regulation of gene expression 245 10.3 Proteins in cell junction 255 10.4 NMR mcthodology dcvclopmcnt for macromolccular structurc and dynamics 257 10.5 NMR application in fragmcnt-bascd lcad discovcry 259 10.6 Summary and outlook 261 Rcfcronccs 261 Chapter 11Protein NMR Spectroscopy in Cell-like Environment 268 11.1 The effect of macromolecular crowding on protein structure and function 269 11.2 The effect of confinement on protein structure and function 274 11.3 Protoin cnrichment in living cells 278 11.4 Isotopic labeling for protein NMR in cells 279 11.5 Protein structure and conformation in living cells 280 11.6 Protein dynamics and intoractions in living cells 287 11.7 Perspective 296 Rcfcronccs 296 Chapter 12High-resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Techniques under Inh