ABOUT THE AUTHORS FOREWORD INTRODUCTION Framing the Power of Assessment in Professional Learnirg Communities Overview of the Process Overview of Chapters CHAPTER 1 Clarifying Assessment Types and Uses Current (Within-Unit) Assessments Unit-Based Common Summative Assessments Unit-Based Common Formative Measures In-Class Formative Assessn ent Strategies Progressive or Periodic Assessments District Benchmark Assessments Content-Specific Progress-Monitoring Tools Cumulative or Annual Assessments Conclusion CHAPTER 2 Starting With the End in Mind Determine the Essential Standards Unwrap the Standards Steps of the Unwrapping Process Unwrapping Standards for Mathematical Practice Consider Multiple Learning Targets Within a Unit of Study Work Vertically Conclusion CHAPTER 3 Considering Rigor and Complexity Identify the Role of Rigor in the Standards Build Student Muscles Step 1: Set the Destination Step 2: Map Out the Skills Journey Step 3: Establish Intentional Checkpoints Recognize the Rigor Complexity of the Task Complexity of the Stimulus Align Assessment Items and Tasks With Rigor of the Learning Target Bring Students Into the Conversation Conclusion CHAPTER 4 Intentionally Planning Instruction and Assessment Identifying Units of Study Developing Pacing Guides Teaching and Assessing Material Using Resources Assessing Each Target Accommodating Responsive Teaching Using Summative Assessments Aligning Instruction and Assessment Using Preassessments Accommodating Corrective Instruction and Intervention Conclusion CHAPTER 5 Creating Questions, Tasks, and Tools That Work Understanding Types of Assessment Items Selected-Response Items Constructed-Response Items Performance Items Performance Tasks Developing Strong Rubrics for Constructed Responses, Performance Items, and Performance Tasks Analytie Versus Holistic Rubrics Strong Criteria in an Analytic Rubric Ensuring Validity Choosing the Appropdate Stimulus Developing the Answer Key Ensuring Reliability Ensuring Quality of Questions Constructed-Response Questions Selected-Response Questions Putting It Into Practice Evaluating for Continual Improvement Conclusion CHAPTER 6 Using Data to Support Student Learning Establishir g Trust Ensuring Actionable Data Understanding and Using Comn on Summative Data Understanding and Using Common Formative Data Analyzing Results Understand the Learning Progression Pile and Plan Conduct Error Analysis Avoid Common Mistakes Developing the Instructional Response Responding Within the RTI Framework Administering Re-Engagement Lessons Reassessing After the Response Concluson CHAPTER 7 Focusing on Feedback and Grappling With Grading Foster a Learning Partnership With Students Student Involvement in the Assessment Process Team Scenario for Planning Student Engagement Focus on the Right Kind of Feedback Facilitate the Use cf Fecdback Foster Peer-and Setf-Generated Feedback lhink Evidence, Not Grades Discuss Grading and Scoring Revisit Team Norms Clarify the Purpose of Grading Consider What Grading Looks Like in Practice Conclusion CHAPTER 8 Using Common Assessments With Singleton Teachers Configuring Teams Vertical Teams Interdisciplinary Teams Cross-School and District Teams Electronic Teams Creating Common Assessments in Teams Configured Around Singletons Vertical Teams Interdisciplinary Teams Cross-School and District Teams Electronic Teams Analyzing Data in Teams Configured Around Singleton Teachers Middle School Vertical Social Studies Team Elementary School Vertical Grades 3-5 Team Conclusion EPILOGUE APPENDIX Using a Road Map to Implement Common Assessments REFERENCES AND RESOURCES INDEX