2004.9-2007.7 就讀于安徽理工大學 碩士 2007.7-至今 工作于合肥學院電子系 2012.9-2016.12 就讀于安徽大學 博士 2016.7-2017.7 在德國安哈爾特應用科學大學高級訪問學者科研成果: [1] Hu Guo-hua,Li Rui,and Tao Liang. Discrete S-transform Based Speech Enhancement. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems,2015,8(4) :2231-2246.(EI檢索) [2] Guohua Hu, Rui Li, Juan Zheng,and Liang Tao. Power Quality Disturbance Based on Gabor-Wigner Transform. Journal of Information and Computational Science,2015,12(1):329–337.(EI檢索) [3] Liang Tao, Guohua Hu, and H. K. Kwan. Multiwindow real-valued discrete Gabor transform and its fast algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.2015,63(20):5513-5524.(SCI檢索) [4] Juan Zheng,Juan-Juan Gu,Xueyou Hu,GuoHua Hu,TaiLong Xu,and Deng Chao. A Hybrid Asymptotic Waveform Evaluation (AWE) Technique to Compute Wideband Electromagnetic Characteristics of Conductor-Dielectric Mixed Objects. International Journal of Simulation Systems.2016,6(35):402-406.(EI檢索)安徽省電子學會理事中國計算機學會CCF高級會員