《TOWARDS THE PROSPERITY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW STUDIES (SIX VOLUMES)》目錄 中國社會科學院國際法研究所概況 一 歷史沿革 二 機構及人員概況 三 學科貢獻 四 科研成果 五 課題項目 六 學術活動及交流 Introduction to the Institute of International Law,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ?、瘛istorical Evolution ?、颉verview of Structure and Staff ?、蟆cademic Achievements and Contributions ?、簟ublications and Other Research Achievements ?、酢esearch Projects ?、觥nternational Cooperation Introduction to the Department of Public International Law Ⅰ Historical Evolution ?、颉omposition of Personnel Ⅲ Major Academic Achievements ?、簟ajor Academic Activities ?、酢ummary and Outlook ?、觥urriculum Vitae of Personnel Introduction to the Department of Private International Law Ⅰ Historical Evolution ?、颉omposition of Personnel Ⅲ Curriculum Vitae of Personnel Introduction to the Department of International Economic Law ?、瘛verview ?、颉 Brief History ?、蟆ajor Academic Achievements ?、簟urriculum Vitae of Personnel Introduction to the Department of International Human Rights Law Ⅰ Overview ?、颉ajor Research Works ?、蟆ummary and Prospect ?、簟urriculum Vitae of Personnel Introduction to the Editorial Department of Chinese Review of International Law ?、瘛verview ?、颉reation of the Review and the Establishment of the Editorial Department Ⅲ Works and Achievements of the Editorial Department ?、簟cademic Activities Organized by the Editorial Department ?、酢rospects Ⅵ Curriculum Vitae of Personnel