前言 Part 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Unit 1 Introduction to Reinforced Concrete Design 2 1. 1 Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, and Prestressed Concrete 2 1. 2 Structural Forms 4 1. 3 Loads 7 1. 4 Serviceability, Strength, and Structural Safety 11 1. 5 Design Basis 14 Unit 2 Introduction to Prestressed Concrete 19 2. 1 Introduction 19 2. 2 Effects of Prestressing 20 2. 3 Sources of Prestress Force 24 2. 4 Prestressing Steels 27 2. 5 Concrete for Prestressed Construction 28 Unit 3 Introduction to Steel Structures 33 3. 1 Structural Design 33 3. 2 Principles of Design 33 3. 3 Historical Background of Steel Structures 34 3. 4 Loads 35 3. 5 Types of Structural Steel Members 43 Unit 4 Seismic Design 51 4. 1 Introduction 51 4. 2 Structural Response 52 4. 3 Seismic Loading Criteria 56 Unit 5 Composite Construction 64 5. 1 Overview 64 5. 2 Pre-stressed Concrete Composite Slabs 67 Unit 6 Introduction to Foundation Analysis and Design 73 6. 1 Foundations—Definition and Purpose 73 Ⅴ 6. 2 Foundation Classifications 74 6. 3 Foundation Site and System Economics 75 6. 4 General Requirements of Foundations 77 6. 5 Foundation Selection 77 6. 6 SI and Fps Units 78 6. 7 Computational Accuracy Versus Design Precision 79 Part 2 Introduction to Other Branches of Civil Engineering Unit 7 Introduction to Bridge Engineering 84 7. 1 Reinforced Concrete Girder Bridges 84 7. 2 Arch Bridges 85 7. 3 Steel Bridges 86 7. 4 Truss Bridges 86 7. 5 Plate and Box Girder Bridges 87 7. 6 Cable Stayed Bridges 88 7. 7 Suspension Bridges 89 Unit 8 Introduction to Underground Engineering 94 8. 1 The Future of Underground Infrastructure in Holland 94 8. 2 Seismic Design and Analysis of Underground Structure 98 8. 3 Performance of Underground Facilities During Seismic Events 99 Unit 9 Introduction to Traffic Engineering 108 9. 1 Introduction 108 9. 2 Traffic Management and Control 112 Unit 10 Hydraulic Engineering 119 10. 1 Introduction 119 10. 2 Types of Hydraulic Structures 119 10. 3 Layout of Hydraulic Projects 121 10. 4 Classification of Hydraulic Projects and Their Design Safety Standards 124 10. 5 Water Resources and Hydropower Resources in China 125 10. 6 Hydraulic Engineering in China 126 10. 7 Purposes of Hydraulic Projects 127 Part 3 New Technology in Civil Engineering Unit 11 Industrialized Housing Systems Construction in China 136 11. 1 Introduction to Industrialized Housing Systems 136 11. 2 Types of Industrialized Housing Systems (IHS) 138 11. 3 Selecting Housing Industrialization Grading Indicators 139 11. 4 Basic Methodology of Hierarchical Clustering Method 141 11. 5 Region-Based Housing Industrialization Grading Analysis 143 Ⅵ 11. 6 Development Bottlenecks of Housing Industrialization in China 145 11. 7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrialized Housing Systems 145 11. 8 Key Implementations to Housing Industrialization 146 Unit 12 Passive Base Isolation with Merits and Demerits Analysis 150 12. 1 Introduction 150 12. 2 Concept of Base Isolation 152 12. 3 Base Isolation Systems 154 12. 4 Merits and Demerits Analysis 162 Unit 13 Supplemental Energy Dissipation: State-of-the-art and State-of-thepractice 167 13. 1 Introduction 167 13. 2 Basic Principles 169 13. 3 Passive Energy Dissipation 171 13. 4 Active, Hybrid and Semi-active Control Systems 176 13. 5 Concluding Remarks 186 Unit 14 Introduction to 3D Printing of Buildings and Building Components 190 14. 1 3D Printing Technology and Materials 190 14. 2 Examples of 3D Printing Building 191 14. 3 Application of 3D Printing Reproduction of Historical Building Ornamental Components 194 14. 4 Prepa