I2016, marked by the GIAHS Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) appointed by the Directorial General of FAO, the GIAHS initiative entered a new phase. Since then, more tha10 new GIAHS sites were designated. What's more, two sites from Spaiwere approved by SAG which means the breakthrough ofthe GIAHS initiative iEurope region. Furthermore, Egypt, Sri Lanka, and Mexico are new members of the GIAHS family. Just ithis year, G20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting Communique announced that 'we support efforts made by the international munity to exchange experiences, share knowledge and adopt technology for sustainable agricultural development, and replicate best farming practices conducive to the protectioand appropriate utilizatioofland, forests and water resources. We wele efforts to extend models as appropriate for the conservatioand sustainable use of biodiversity, including inheriting and developing good farming practices, such as the FAO's Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) initiative.'
Part I Articles Promoting Rural Revitalizatiothrough the Conservatioof Agricultural Heritage Systems Responding to CommoQuestions othe Conservatioof Agricultural Heritage Systems iChina Socio-Ecological Adaptatioof Agricultural Heritage Systems iModerChina: Three Cases iQingtiaCounty, Zhejiang Province Reviewing the Progress ithe Identification, Conservatioand Management of China-Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (China-NIAHS Values and Conservatioof Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System as a GIAHS Site Evaluatioof Water Resources Conserved by Forests ithe Hani Rice Terraces System of Honghe County, Yunnan, China: AApplicatioof the Fuzzy Comprehensive EvaluatioModel The Ecosystem Service Functioof Shandong XiajiYellow River Ancient Mulberry Trees System and Its Effect oRegional Ecosystem Effects of Traditional Ecological Knowledge othe Drought-resistant Mechanisms of the Hani Rice Terraces System Organic Cultivatioof Jasmine and Tea Increases CarboSequestratioby Changing Plant and Soil Stoichiometry Traditional Culture as aImportant Power for Maintaining Agricultural Landscapes iCultural Heritage Sites: A Case Study of the Hani Terraces A ConservatioApproach of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS): Improving Traditional Agricultural Patterns and Promoting Scale-Production AAnalysis oCrops Choice and Its Driving Factors iAgricultural Heritage Systems-A Case of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System The Influences of ProductioFactors with Profit oAgricultural Heritage Systems: A Case Study of the Rice-Fish System Agricultural Heritage Systems Tourism: definition, characteristics and development framework Agricultural Heritage Systems: A Bridge betweeUrbaand Rural Development Status, Potentials and Development Strategies of Agricultural Heritage Systems iZhejiang Province …… Part II Abstracts