定 價:¥63.00
作 者: | 蔡志杰,姜啟源,吳孟達 等 |
出版社: | 高等教育出版社 |
叢編項: | |
標 簽: | 暫缺 |
ISBN: | 9787040502404 | 出版時間: | 2018-10-01 | 包裝: | |
開本: | 頁數(shù): | 250 | 字數(shù): |
1居民消費價格指數(shù):它有什么含義? /The Cutomer Price Inkxr: What Does It Mean?
2全美橄欖球聯(lián)盟如何對傳球手評分? /How Dres the NFL Rate Pavers?
3 Q與K相鄰的概率一 隨機排列中的并置與游程/The Prnbabiliy Tbat a Quen
Sits Bexide a King:Jutapsuitions and Runs in a Random Permutation
4微分和地圖/Diferentiales and Geagnapbical Maps
5離網(wǎng)光伏系統(tǒng)/Pbotowotaic Syutems Of- Grid
6無線信號處理 /Wirelas Sigmal Prxesing
7氣候變化與日溫度周期/Climate Change and the Daily Tempenatur Cycle
8氣候問題的微分方程建模/Cimates Moscling in Diferential Eyation
9星團的螺旋形圖案/Sspingnpb Pattems of Sar Clulers
10觀察人造地球衛(wèi)星的預測/Priting Ppruwitien hin Viwing the ntematinad Space Sation
11藥代動力學的房室模型 /Comparmntal Phamackici Modelv
12免疫學和流行病學的艾滋病模型 /Immumological and Epidemiological HIVIAIDS Modeling
13使用原始文獻講授logistic方程/Uing Orignal Souresto Teacb the Logistie Equation
14校準與質(zhì)量作用定律 /Calibration and the Law of Maw Action