定 價:¥23.00
作 者: | 陳利華 |
出版社: | 電子工業(yè)出版社 |
叢編項: | |
標 簽: | 暫缺 |
ISBN: | 9787121350801 | 出版時間: | 2018-10-01 | 包裝: | 平裝 |
開本: | 16開 | 頁數(shù): | 92 | 字數(shù): |
項目一 接待基礎訓練 001
Task 1 Oneself Introduction 002
Task 2 Telephoning in the Office 006
Task 3 Receiving Visitors 010
Task 4 Cooperation 014
項目二 接待流程訓練 018
Task 1 Booking a Flight Ticket 019
Task 2 At the Airport 023
Task 3 At the Hotel 027
Task 4 At a Restaurant 032
Task 5 City Tour 037
項目三 商務接待訓練 041
Task 1 Company Introduction 042
Task 2 Product Introduction 047
Task 3 Bargain 052
Task 4 Making a Deal 056
Task 5 Farewell 061
項目四 校園接待訓練 065
Task 1 College Introduction 066
Task 2 Meeting and Discussion 070
Task 3 Communicating with Foreigners 075
Appendix I Glossary 079
Appendix II Useful Terms 085