Preface 1.SHIFTING SAND FIXATION BY BARRIERS Clay Sand-protecting Barriers Salix cheilophila, Tamarisk Sand barrier “Head Blocking and Tail Pulling” Sand Control Technique 2.SILVICULTURE FOR SAND FIXATION AND DEGRADED SAND FIXTION FOREST IMPROVMENT Degraded Stand Improvement Technology in Sandy Land Water Pressure Injection Cuttage Afforestation in Mobile Dune Caragana korshinkii and Salix cheilophila Mixed Afforestation on Sandy Land Artificial Restore and Resurgence Populus euphratica Oliv. Forest Non-irrigation Haloxylon ammodendron Afforestation “Four-in-one” Wind-breaking and Sand-blocking Shelterbelt at Edge of Oasis 3.TREE PLANTING TECHNOLOGY FOR SOILAND WATER CONSERVATION Afforestatioin on the Landslide and Debris Flow Slope Hedgerow Plantation on Stony Desertified Slope One Slope-Three Zones Protection Forest in Torrential Area Explosive Site Preparation Afforestation on Earth and Stony Mountains Runoff Interception for Forestation 4.SOILAND WATER CONSERVATION IN FARMLAND AND ENGINEERING METHODS Concrete Prefabricated Terrace Stone Dike Terrace Double Ridge Mulched with Plastic Films Sowing Technology Vegetation Restoration on Self-combusting Coal Gangue Hill 5.SEEDLING BREEDING AND ECONOMIC FOREST PLANTING, INSECT PROVENTION The “Film mulching” Walnut Planting Technology Large-fruit Cherry Planting in Ledu District, Haidong City, Qinghai Province Cutting Sabina Vulgaria with Nutrition bag Deep-pit Planting, Harmless and Sustainable Control of the Rat (Rabbit)Damage on the Afforestation 6.GREEN DEVELOPMENT & DEGRADED LAND REHABILITATION TECHNOLOGIES IN KARST REGION Roof Rainfall Collection Technology Lonicera japonica Planting Technology for Areas of Moderate-Intensive Rock Desertification Grass Plantation on Slope Lands in Kartst Areas under Rock Desertification Individual-plant Drip Irrigation Technology Applied for Zanthoxylum lanispinum Plantations Growing in Areas under Intensive Rock Desertification 7.DEGRADED WETLAND REHABILITATION Pleatau Degraded Swamp Wetland Conservation with Stumps and Eco-bags Filling the Trench 8.SMALL WATERSHED INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT FOR SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION IN TIBET Soil and Water Conservation Comprehensive Management in Small Water-shed