Chapter 1 An Overview of Algebraic Curves and Cryptography V. KUMAR MURTY 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The basic paradigm 1.3 The Diffie-Hellman decision problem 1.4 Constraints on the group 1.5 Abelian varieties over finite fields 1.6 Elliptic curves 1.7 Statistical results 1.8 Abelian varieties of higher dimension 1.9 Outline of contents Chapter 2 School's Point Counting Algorithm NICOLAS THERIAULT 2.1 Preliminaries 2.2 Division polynomials 2.3 Schoof's algorithm 2.4 Implementation 2.5 Improvements by Atkin and Elkies 2.6 Computing the modular equations 2.7 Computing Pl 2.8 Computing the factor 2.9 Parallelization Chapter 3 Report on the Denef-Vercauteren/Kedlaya Algorithm ZUBAIRASHRAFALIJUMAANDPRAMATHANATHSASTRY 3.1 Background 3.2 Generalities 3.3 Main strategy 3.4 Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology 3.5 Hyperelliptic curves 3.6 Data structures 3.7 Algorithm for lifting the curve to characteristic zero 3.8 Inversion 3.9 The 2-power Frobenius on K 3.10 The characteristic polynomial of Frobenius 3.11 Multiplication 3.12 Running times 3.13 Parallelization Chapter 4 An Introduction to Gr5bner Bases MOHAMMEDRADI-BENJELLOUN 4.1 Introduction 4.2 GrSbner bases Chapter 5 Cab Curves and Arithmetic on Their Jacobians FARZALI IZADI 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Preliminaries 5.3 The Cab curves 5.4 Addition algorithm for Jacobian group in divisor representation 5.5 Addition algorithm for Jacobian group in ideal representation Chapter 6 The Zeta Functions of Two Garcia-Stichtenoth Towers KENNETH W. SHUM6.1 Introduction 6.2 Background on zeta functions 6.3 The first Garcia-Stichtenoth tower 6.4 The second Garcia-Stichtenoth tower 6.5 Conclusion Appendix: Counting points over P0 in GS1 Bibliography Index