定 價:¥108.00
作 者: | (美)戴維·I.施耐德 |
出版社: | 電子工業(yè)出版社 |
叢編項: | |
標 簽: | 暫缺 |
ISBN: | 9787121295430 | 出版時間: | 2019-03-01 | 包裝: | 平裝 |
開本: | 16開 | 頁數(shù): | 568 | 字數(shù): |
Chapter 1 Visual Basic, Controls, and Events 1
1.1 An Introduction to Visual Basic 2015 1
1.2 Visual Basic Controls 3
1.3 Visual Basic Events 21
Chapter 2 Variables, Input, and Output 36
2.1 Numbers 36
2.2 Strings 54
2.3 Input and Output 74
Chapter 3 Decisions 93
3.1 Relational and Logical Operators 93
3.2 If Blocks 101
3.3 Select Case Blocks 122
3.4 Input via User Selection 136
Chapter 4 General Procedures 154
4.1 Function Procedures 154
4.2 Sub Procedures, Part I 170
4.3 Sub Procedures, Part II 185
4.4 Program Design 196
4.5 A Case Study: Weekly Payroll 199
Chapter 5 Repetition 212
5.1 Do Loops 212
5.2 For . . . Next Loops 226
5.3 List Boxes and Loops 240
Chapter 6 Arrays 256
6.1 Creating and Using Arrays 256
6.2 Using LINQ with Arrays 282
6.3 Arrays of Structures 296
6.4 Two-Dimensional Arrays 322
6.5 A Case Study: Analyze a Loan 335
Chapter 7 Additional Controls and Objects 352
7.1 List Boxes and Combo Boxes 352
7.2 Eight Additional Controls and Objects 360
7.3 Multiple-Form Programs 375
7.4 Graphics 387
Chapter 8 Object-Oriented Programming 406
8.1 Classes and Objects 406
8.2 Working with Objects 423
8.3 Inheritance 434
Chapter 9 Databases 454
9.1 An Introduction to Databases 454
9.2 Editing and Designing Databases 478
Chapter 10 Text Files 488
10.1 Managing Text Files 488
10.2 StreamReaders, StreamWriters, and Structured Exception Handling 504
10.3 A Case Study: Recording Checks and Deposits 522
Appendix A ANSI Values 535
Appendix B How To 537
Appendix C Files and Folders 549
Appendix D Visual Basic Debugging Tools 550