前言 FOREWORD 天命:解密何尊與竹飾熏爐談廣 一、民之初生BIRTH OFTHE PEOPLE 玉刀(Jade knife) 神面魚紋尖底器 (Painted pottery with design of deity's face and fishes) 鳥魚紋彩陶葫蘆瓶 (Painted pottery ping fask in shape of a gourd with bird andfish designs)31 陶祖(Pottery zu male genital) 人而形陶器殘片(Pottery fragment in shape of human face) 蛙紋陶金(Pottery.fu pot with frog pattern) 獸面紋玉綜(Jade cong tube with animal mask design) 玉刀(Jade knife) 玉鏟(Jade chan shovel) 玉環(huán)(Jade huan ring) 鳳首玉笄(Jade ji hairpin with phoenix design) 玉鋮(Jade yue axe) 神面與雙獸紋石刻 (Stone carving with deity's face and two animals) 玉障(Jade zhang blade) 壁畫殘片(Fragments of mural) 鳳紋斝(Bronzejia vine vessel with designs of phoenix) 夔紋鼎(Bronze ding cauldron with kui dragon design) 父乙甗(Bronzeyan food vessel ofFu Yi) 玉戈(Jadegedagger) 五琮(Jade congtube) 乳釘方格紋簋 (Bronze gui food vessel with raised bosses and square pattern) 羊首勺(Ladle with a goat head) 獸面紋罍(Bronze lei wine vessel with designs of animal mask) 獸面紋壺(Bronze hu wine vessel with designs of animal mask) 獸面紋四足鬲 (Bronze four-legged li food vessel with designs of animal mask) 雙頭蜈蚣紋戈 (Bronze ge with pattern of two-headed centipede) 蛙紋鉞(Bronze yue axe with frog pattern) 二、創(chuàng)制垂法FORMULATING A SYSTEM OF LAWS BEQUEATHED TO POSTERITY 淳化大鼎(Bronze ding cauldron) 何尊(Bronze ZUH wine vessel ofHe) 宅茲中國——何尊圖(He Zun) 饕餮紋方座簋 (Bronze gui food vessel with square base and animal mask design) 呰(正)鼎(Bronze ding cauldron of Zheng) 乳釘紋四耳簋 (Bronze four-eared gui food vessel with raised bosses) 犧尊(Bronze zun wine vessel in shape of deer) 平蓋獸面紋鼎 (Bronze ding cauldron with flat lid and animal mask design) 高圈足簋(Bronze gui food vessel with high foot ring) 伯各卣(Bronzeyou wine vessel ofBo Ge) 三足鳥尊(Bronze zull wine vessel in shape of three—legged bird) 獸首調(diào)色器(Bronze palette) 男锏人(Bronze male figurine) 女銅人(Bronze female figurine) 風蓋岙(Bronze he with a phoenix-shaped lid) 短劍、銅鞘組合(Short bronze sword with scabbard) 對罍(Bronze lei wine vessel ofDui) 多友鼎(Bronze ding cauldron of Duo You) 伯多父盨(BronzeXU food vessel ofBo Duo Fu) □方鼎(Bronze square ding cauldron of Dong) …… 三、秦國崛起 RISE OF THE QIN 四、皇帝臨位THE FIRST SOVEREIGN EMPEROR COMES TO THE THRONE 五、天子居中WHERE THE SON OF HEAVEN RESIDES AT THE CENTER OF HEAVENAND EARTH 六、多元融匯 MULTIFARIOUS CONVERGENCE 七、天衢盛ANAGE PROSPEROUS LIKE THE HEAVENLY THOROUGHFARE 附錄:圖錄中拓片、線描圖出處 后記 Afterword