This book investigates the solar ultraviolet(UV)radiation and its shelter,ozone over the Tibetan Plateau,by means of ground-based monitoring,analysis of satellite data and computational modeling. The presented book consists of a general study on solar UV radiation and some separate published papers.The ground-based monitoring of UV-radiation,and from it derived ozone monitoring,using NILU-UV Irradiance Meters constitute the major part of the presented results. The ground-based UV-radiation data analysis is supplemented by computational analysis of satellite based data obtained from the TOMS database at NASA.The long-term ground-based studies (July,1999 -2018) were camed out at five Solar UV Radiation Observatories on the Tibetan Plateau. These have been supplemented by several field experiments in the altitude region 3,000 -5,000 meters above sea level.Comprehensive satellite UV data were analyzed to study large-scale distribution of UV radiation over the whole Tibetan Plateau. Radiative transfer model has been used to cal-culate the UV irradiance at any desired location. It has been used to derive the UV-B ra-diation levels and also check the consistency of UV measurement results.The physics principles and the techniques used are presented in the first three parts of the thesis. The actual research and the results that constitute the major part of this book are presented in other scientific papers attached in this book.
Acknowledgments Introduction Part Ⅰ The Measurements and Data Analysis Conducted in this Work Chapter 1 The Experimental Work Chapter 2 UV Measurements with NILU-UV Irradiance Meters Chapter 3 Data Analysis and Instrumentation Part Ⅱ Background Physics of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation and Ozone Chapter 4 Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Chapter 5 Photochemical Description of Solar UV Attenuation in the Earth's Atmosphere Chapter 6 Science of Ozone Depletion Part Ⅲ Radiative Transfer Equation for Model Calculations Chapter 7 Model Calculation Method for Surface UV Irradiance Part Ⅳ Papers Paper 1 UV Measurements in the 3000 -5000 m Altitude Region in Tibet Paper 2 The Vitamin D Status among Tibetans Paper 3 Ground-based Measurements and Modeling of Solar UV-B Radiation in Lhasa, Tibet Paper 4 Solar UV Irradiance Measurements at Four Sites in Tibet Paper 5 Spatial Distribution and Temporal Variation of Solar UV Radiation over the Tibetan Plateau Paper 6 Solar UV Radiation Measurements across the Tibetan Plateau Paper 7 Comparison of Ground-based Measurements of Solar UV Radiation at Four Sites on the Tibetan Plateau Paper 8 Impact of Particulate and Dissolved Material on Light Absorption Properties in a High-altitude Lake in Tibet, China Paper 9 Human Vitamin D Deficiency in Tibet Paper 10 The Observational Study of Erythemal UV Radiation on the Land Surface of Tibet