Part 1 The Development of African American Literature Early Literary Forms Oral tradition: Folklore; Black Folktales Spirituals Literary Writings in the 18th Century Poems Early Prose Writing and Slave Narrative Literary Writings in the 19th Century The Ballads of the Enslaved Blacks Abolitionist Writings The Development of Slave Narrative Slave Narrative Writers and Political Activists African American Novel Literary Writings at the Turn of the ]9th Century Literary Writings in the 20th Century Harlem Renaissance (1920s and 1930s) Urban Realism, Naturalism, and Modernism (1940s-1960s) The Black Arts Movement (the mid-1960s-the mid-1970s) African American Literature since the 1970s Literary Writings in the 21st Century Part 2 Reading and Writing about African American Literature Basic Approaches Examples of Reading and Writing about African American Literature Reading and Writing about Fiction Reading and Writing about Poetry Reading and Writing about Drama Part 3 African American Literary Criticism A Brief Introduction The Development of African American Literary Criticism: A Survey A Textual Analysis of the Essays Written by African American Literary Writers and /or Critics Works Cited 后記