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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科歷史文物考古文物建筑(第13輯)



定 價(jià):¥108.00

作 者: 河南省文物建筑保護(hù)研究院 著
出版社: 科學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787030660817 出版時(shí)間: 2020-09-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 196 字?jǐn)?shù):  






上昂、挑斡、昂桯辨(上)/謝易兵 張毅捷 羅晗瑞/ 1
明清雄安地區(qū)文廟建筑營建史略/段智鈞 李丹彤/ 19
登封永泰寺均庵主塔現(xiàn)狀勘測及形制研究/呂軍輝/ 32
登封“天地之中”歷史建筑群木雕飾件考述/宮嵩濤/ 37
中岳廟碑刻淺論/張玉霞/ 45
河南風(fēng)水塔探析/王學(xué)賓 陳芳/ 54
圓明園遺址與“樣式雷”圖檔關(guān)系考/姚慶/ 64
探北頂娘娘廟營建修繕歷史/魯苡君/ 72
中國與瑞典古代鐘樓的藝術(shù)研究/劉芳超/ 79
開封傳統(tǒng)清真寺建筑研究/白天宜/ 91
河南周口關(guān)帝廟戲樓考略/賈柯 張奕愷 朱琳 王麗亞/ 106
文物保護(hù)規(guī)劃對環(huán)境保護(hù)與治理的控制要求——以新密窯溝遺址保護(hù)規(guī)劃為例/余曉川 李亞娟 劉彬/ 112
魯山李老莊村村落特征初探/楊東昱 李丹丹/ 118
高校建筑遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)現(xiàn)狀與利用對策研究——以河南留學(xué)歐美預(yù)備學(xué)校舊址為例/孫麗娟/ 125
淺談滁州瑯琊山無梁殿現(xiàn)狀與保護(hù)策略/張輝/ 134
文旅融合視域下的寶豐北張莊革命文物保護(hù)與利用/孫錦 蘇光偉/ 139
新石器時(shí)期大型建筑基址的建筑學(xué)解讀——以河南靈寶西坡遺址F105、F106為例/岳巖敏/ 144
試論中國北方地區(qū)的史前石城遺址/聶曉瑩 付建麗 崔天興/ 155
中原地區(qū)早商時(shí)期城防體系的考古學(xué)觀察/周要港/ 167
宮室建筑起源初探/王安坤/ 174
淺談滎陽楚樓墓地夫妻墓結(jié)構(gòu)特點(diǎn)與意義/郭磊/ 182
處于唐宋轉(zhuǎn)折之際的南唐陵墓制度——以祖堂山南唐陵園及南唐欽陵、順陵為例/谷天旸/ 186
Traditional Architecture Research
Discrimination of Three Terms Shang’ang, Tiaowo and Angting(Part I)/ XIE Yibing, ZHANG Yijie, LUO Hanrui / 1
Brief History of Confucian Temples Construction in the Xiong’an Area during the Ming and Qing Dynasties/ DUAN Zhijun, LI Dantong / 19
Investigation and Form Study of the Jun’anzhu Pagoda of Yongtai Temple in Dengfeng / LV Junhui / 32
Study on the Wood Carvings of Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in “the Centre of Heaven and Earth”/ GONG Songtao / 37
Brief Review of the Inscriptions of the Zhongyue Temple / ZHANG Yuxia / 45
Analysis of Fengshui Pagodas in Henan / WANG Xuebin, CHEN Fang / 54
Research on the Relationship of Old Summer Palace and Manuscripts of Yangshi Lei / YAO Qing / 64
Brief History of Construction and Renovation of the Goddess Beiding Temple / LU Yijun / 72
Art Research on Chinese and Swedish Ancient Clock Towers / LIU Fangchao / 79
Study on Traditional Mosque Architecture in Kaifeng / BAI Tianyi / 91
Study on the Stage Platform of Guandi Temple in Zhoukou of Henan / JIA Ke, ZHANG Yikai, ZHU Lin, WANG Liya / 106
Traditional Architecture Protection
The Requirements of the Cultural Heritage Protection Plan for Environmental Protection and Governance——Case Study of the Protection Planning of Yaogou Site in Xinmi / YU Xiaochuan, LI Yajuan, LIU Bin / 112
Preliminary Research on the Characteristics of Lilaozhuang Village in Lushan / YANG Dongyu, LI Dandan / 118
Current Situation and Utilization Countermeasures of University Architectural Heritage Protection——Case Study of the Site of Henan European and American Preparatory School / SUN Lijuan / 125
Discussion on the Status and Protection Strategy of the Beamless Hall of the Langya Mountain in Chuzhou/ ZHANG Hui / 134
The Protection and Utilization of Revolutionary Cultural Relics of Beizhangzhuang Village of Baofeng in Henan from the Perspective of the Integration of Cultural Tourism / SUN Jin, SU Guangwei / 139
Architectural Archaeology
Architectural Interpretation of the Large-scale Building Sites in the Neolithic Period
——Case Study of F105 and F106 of the Xipo Site in Lingbao, Henan / YUE Yanmin / 144
Discussion on the Prehistoric Stone City Sites in Northern China / NIE Xiaoying, FU Jianli, CUI Tianxing / 155
Archaeological Observation of Urban Defense System during the Early Shang Period in Central China/ ZHOU Yaogang / 167
Preliminary Study of the Origin of Palace Buildings / WANG Ankun / 174
Structural Features and Significance of Spousal Joint Burial Tombs in Chulou Cemetery in the Xingyang county / GUO Lei / 182
The Mausoleum System of Southern Tang Dynasty during the Tang-Song Transformation Period——Case Study
of Qin Tomb, Shun Tomb and the Mausoleum of the Southern Tang Dynasty in Zutang Mountain of Nanjing/ GU Tianyang / 186


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