Communicative signs meaning naturally Grice in the wake of Peirce Illocutionary rules Language: Between cognition, communication and culture The principle of relevance in the light of cooperation and trust: Discussing Sperber and Wilson's theory The syntax-pragmatics merger: Belief reports in the theory of Default Semantics Activating, seeking, and creating common ground: A sociocognitive approach Reading between the lines:The activation of background knowledge during text comprehension Subsentential utterances, ellipsis, and pragmatic enrichment The problem of fragments: Two interpretative strategies Using conversation policies to solve problems of ambiguity in argumentation and artificial intelligence Overhearing a sentence:Recanati and the cognitive view of language On verbal irony, meta-linguistic knowledge and echoic interpretation Prosodic and multimodal markers of humor in conversation Tautology as presumptive meaning WATER metaphors and metonymies in Chinese. A semantic network Why irony sometimes comes to mind: Paradoxical effects of thought suppression Parallelism in conversation: Resonance, schematization, and extension from the perspective of dialogic syntax and cognitive linguistics Procedural pragmatics and the study of discourse Pragmatics and Critical Discourse Analysis: A cross-disciplinary inquiry Anglo English and Singapore English tags: Their meanings and cultural significance The Persian cultural schema of shekasteh-nafsi: A study of compliment responses in Persian and Anglo-Australian speakers Turning speaker meaning on its head. Non-verbal communication and intended meanings Towards interactive robots in autism therapy:Background, motivation and challenges