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鐵路隧道盾構法技術規(guī)程(TB10181-2017 英文版)

鐵路隧道盾構法技術規(guī)程(TB10181-2017 英文版)

定 價:¥450.00

作 者: 中華人民共和國國家鐵路局
出版社: 中國鐵道出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787113245979 出版時間: 2017-01-01 包裝:
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 54 字數(shù):  


  This Specification is prepared with a view to unifying the technical standards of survey, design,construction and acceptance of shield railway tunnels,and making the shield tunnel comply with the requirements of safety,reliability,advanced and proven technology,environmental protection, economical efficiency and reasonability.This Specification is applicable to the survey, design, construction and acceptance of new railway tunnel constructed by shield method.Priority should be given to shield method when urban railway tunnel or underwater railway tunnel is to be built.The technical plan for the design of shield railway tunnel and the selection of shield type shall be determined according to the geology and landform of the site,the ecological environment,the energy supply condition and the equipment transportation condition etc. and by means of techno-economic comparison.Risk assessment focusing on environmental influence and construction safety shall be carried out in the design and construction of shield railway tunnel.In the process of shield tunneling,the boring parameters shall be adjusted and the attitude of the shield shall be controlled according to the geological conditions and monitoring data so as to realize the dynamic management throughout the whole process.Technologies such as geology forecast and pre-reinforcement should be used in shield tunneling. When new technology,new techniques,new material and new equipment are used,relevant national and industry standards shall be complied with.During shield tunneling,the technical document of the project such as construction record, quality test report,inspection and acceptance record shall be filled out in time.In addition to this Specification, the survey, design, construction and acceptance of shield railway tunnel shall also comply with relevant current national and industry standards.


暫缺《鐵路隧道盾構法技術規(guī)程(TB10181-2017 英文版)》作者簡介


1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Requirements
3.1 Survey
3.2 Design
3.3 Construction
3.4 Acceptance of Works
4 Survey for Shield Tunnel
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Reconnaissance
4.3 Preliminary Survey
4.4 Location Survey and Supplementary Location Survey
4.5 Construction Survey
4.6 Results Analysis and Survey Report
5 Design of Shield Tunnel
5.1 General Requirements
5.2 Load
5.3 Main Construction Materials
5.4 Structural Calculation
5.5 Structural Design
5.6 Working Shaft
5.7 Portal and Auxiliary Structure
6 Type Selection of Shield Machine
6.1 Selection Principles and Basis
6.2 Steps and Methods of Type Selection
6.3 Logistics Systems of Shield
6.4 Main Technical Parameters of Shield
7 Shield Tunneling
7.1 General Requirements
7.2 Construction Preparations
7.3 Segment
7.4 Launching and Arrival
7.5 Shield Boring
7.6 Shield Boring in Special Sections
7.7 Maintenance and Repair of Shield Equipment
8 Assistant Measures for Shield Tunneling
9 Waterproofing and Drainage of Tunnel
10 Monitoring
11 Environmental Protection and Construction Safety
12 Risk Assessment and Control
13 Acceptance of Works
Words Used for Different Degrees of Strictness


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