Preface 1. Introduction Required Background What Is a QPU? A Hands-on Approach A QCEngine Primer Native QPU Instructions Simulator Limitations Hardware Limitations QPU Versus GPU: Some Common Characteristics Part Ⅰ Programming for a QPU 2. One Qubit A Quick Look at a Physical Qubit Introducing Circle Notation Circle Size Circle Rotation The First Few QPU Operations QPU Instruction: NOT QPU Instruction: HAD QPU Instruction: READ QPU Instruction: WRITE Hands-on: A Perfectly Random Bit QPU Instruction: PHASE(0) QPU Instructions: ROTX(0) and ROTY(0) COPY: The Missing Operation Combining QPU Operations QPU Instruction: ROOT-of-NOT Hands-on: Quantum Spy Hunter Conclusion 3. Multiple Qubits Circle Notation for Multi-Qubit Registers Drawing a Multi-Qubit Register Single-Qubit Operations in Multi-Qubit Registers Reading a Qubit in a Multi-Qubit Register Visualizing Larger Numbers of Qubits QPU Instruction: CNOT Hands-on: Using Bell Pairs for Shared Randomness QPU Instructions: CPHASE and CZ QPU Trick: Phase Kickback QPU Instruction: CCNOT (Toffoli) QPU Instructions: SWAP and CSWAP The Swap Test Constructing Any Conditional Operation Hands-on: Remote-Controlled Randomness Conclusion 4. Quantum Teleportation Hands-on: Let's Teleport Something Program Walkthrough Step 1: Create an Entangled Pair Step 2: Prepare the Payload ……