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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書文學藝術藝術攝影藝術火車上的中國人:旅途生活的真實瞬間,車廂內(nèi)外的人生百態(tài) (英)

火車上的中國人:旅途生活的真實瞬間,車廂內(nèi)外的人生百態(tài) (英)

火車上的中國人:旅途生活的真實瞬間,車廂內(nèi)外的人生百態(tài) (英)

定 價:¥298.00

作 者: 王福春 編,張潔 譯
出版社: 五洲傳播出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787508544229 出版時間: 2020-05-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 229 字數(shù):  


  40年,中國經(jīng)濟飛速發(fā)展,鐵路就是這片土地的動脈,同時也是中國經(jīng)濟騰飛的一面鏡子。攝影師王福春作為鐵路工作者,將鏡頭對準了火車上的蕓蕓眾生,以近乎本能的觀察和感觸,記錄了火車這個狹小、線性空間里的人情冷暖、喜怒哀樂,將這原本是交通工具的車廂,擴展成了人生的舞臺、歷史流轉的空間,擴展成了社交的平臺、歡樂的劇場、移動的大篷車。這部用時間積累而成的作品,將生活濃縮在一列列飛馳的火車上,攝影師王福春用他獨特的幽默眼光和犀利視角,將社會的進步、人性的本色體現(xiàn)在一張張黑白影像之中,帶給讀者無窮的回味。時光荏苒,當我們今天坐上干凈舒適的火車車廂,回首往事,想起當年的火車和車上的經(jīng)歷,也許那些痛苦和擁擠早已淡忘,而留下的是溫暖的記憶和那些旅途中相識的好友。 In the past 40 years, China's economy has developed by leaps and bounds. Railways are like the arteries of the land but also mirror China's economic prosperity. As a railway worker and a photographer Wang Fuchun has always focused his camera on passengers on trains. With near-instinctive observation and empathy, he has recorded their real emotions, sadness, happiness, joys and sorrows, in narrow, long trains. By doing so, he has extended the trains, originally a means of transportation, into a stage of life, a space of historical changes, a platform for socialization, a joyful theater and a moving caravan. This engrossing album condenses people’s lives into fast-moving trains. The photographer Wang Fuchun uses his unique humorous vision and sharp perspective to reflect social progress and human nature in his black and white photos, allowing his audience to join him in this delightful journey. Time flies. When we look back on the past and recall our experiences on the trains in those days while sitting in a clean and comfortable train today, we may have forgotten the pain and those jostling crowds. What remains are warm memories and friends we have made on our many trips.


  王福春,1963年考入哈爾濱鐵路局綏化鐵路機車司機學校,20世紀80年代就讀于哈爾濱師范大學攝影專業(yè),曾任哈爾濱鐵路局科研所攝影師、編輯。2002年從哈爾濱遷居北京,現(xiàn)為自由攝影人,任公益攝影協(xié)會副主席、全國《光影助學工程》公益形象大使。拍攝有《火車上的中國人》《黑土地》《東北人家》《東北虎》《中國蒸汽機車》《生活中的中國人》等十余部攝影專題,多次赴丹麥、法國、意大利、英國、美國、俄羅斯等國家參加攝影展和畫廊展,2012年獲國際攝影協(xié)會金龍獎終生成就獎。 Wang Fuchun enrolled in Suihua Locomotive Driver School of Harbin Railway Bureau in 1963. In the 1980s, he majored in photography from Harbin Normal University. After graduating, he worked as a photographer and editor with the Research Institute of Harbin Railway Bureau. In 2002, he moved from Harbin to Beijing. He is now a freelance photographer, Vice President of Beijing Commonweal Photography Association and national ambassador of a charity program called Light and Shadow Education Aid Program. He has produced more than ten photography albums including Chinese People on the Train, Black Soil, Northeasterners, Siberian Tigers, Chinese Steam Locomotives, Chinese People’s Life. He has also participated in photography exhibitions and gallery exhibitions in Denmark, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia and other countries several times. In 2012, he won the Golden Dragon Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Photography Association.


Wang Fuchun enrolled in Suihua Locomotive Driver School of Harbin Railway Bureau in 1963. In the 1980s, he majored in photography from Harbin Normal University. After graduating, he worked as a photographer and editor with the Research Institute of Harbin Railway Bureau. In 2002, he moved from Harbin to Beijing. He is now a freelance photographer, Vice President of Beijing Commonweal Photography Association and national ambassador of a charity program called Light and Shadow Education Aid Program. He has produced more than ten photography albums including Chinese People on the Train, Black Soil, Northeasterners, Siberian Tigers, Chinese Steam Locomotives, Chinese People’s Life. He has also participated in photography exhibitions and gallery exhibitions in Denmark, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia and other countries several times. In 2012, he won the Golden Dragon Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Photography Association.


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