Prelude Foreword Chapter 1: Historical Background of Weihsein Internment Camp 1.1 Outbreak of the Pacific War 1.2 Conditions of Westerners in China 1.3 History of the Taylor Family in China Chapter 2: Paradise and Hell 2.1 The Ancient Town of Weihsein 2.2 Ledaoyuan of Weihsein 2.3 Establishment of Weihsein Internment Camp 2.4 The Unknown Days Chapter 3: Days in the Internment Camp 3.1 Overview of the Camp 3.2 Autonomous Committee 3.3 A Beacon in the Darkness 3.4 Great Invention 3.5 Living on Optimistically and Tenaciously 3.6 “Bamboo Radio” …… Chapter 4: Transactions under Bayonet Chapter 5: Deep Love and Sustained Friendship Chapter 6: Crossing the Line between Life and Death Chapter 7: The Flying Scotsman Chapter 8: The Path to Freedom 8.1 The Days Towards Freedom 8.2 On the Way Home Chapter 9: The Past is Never Past Postscript Acknowledgements Appendix 1 Chronology of Weihsein Internment Camp Appendix 2 Name List of Western Detainees of Weihsein Internment Camp Appendix 3 Collection of Photos of the Movie The Last Race