There are many differences between Chinese and Western medicine. These gaps arise from the differences of cultural background: Chinese medicine is more like a watercolor painting that focuses on the general aspea of the patient while Western medicine, an oil painting, zooms in on the details of the patient Although they are both compared to as types of art, they all exhibit their unique differences. Many people are curious as to whether or not there are differences in the lifestyle between the East and the West. There is no exact definition of how a person should or should not have his lifestyle due to the objective and subjective viewpoints on the matter. But what is clear is the healthy or unhealthy ways of lMng-for instance, everyone can agree that smoking harms the body Similarly, we can all say that exercising is a healthy way of life. I hope that I can clear up some of the misconceptions and stereotypes of our lifestyle differences in the Eastern and Western societies.
Li Dongcheng,a Florida licensed acupuncture physician. He holds a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). He has been a professor at American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Housron and Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine in Fort Lauderdale. Dr. Li is a fifth generation practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and the only apprentice in his familyDr. Li is not only a Chinese medicine practitioner but also a famous author, educator and social activist. He has published near 10 books that has been selling as popular books in in the past few years. He has also been teaching Acupuncture Board Licensing exam preparation classes for new potential acupuncturists all across the United States and China since 2009. Dr. Li is also the co-founder of Acupuncture of China (, serving as its Chief Development Officer since 2005.
Chapter 1 Health and Disease Section 1 Comparison of Understanding Diseases Between Eastern and Western Viewpoints Section 2 Comparison of Eastern and Western Lifestyle Section 3 Viewpoints in Yellow Emperors Inner Canon Section 4 Heaven, Earth, Humans, and Essences, Qi, Spirit Chapter 2 Natural Environment Section 1 Natural Climate Section 2 Natural Solar Term Chapter 3 Diet Section 1 Basic Principles of Diet Section 2 Five Grains Section 3 Five Tastes Section 4 Dietary Habits According to the Four Seasons Section 5 Tobacco, Liquor and Coffee Chapter 4 Emotions Chapter 5 Exercise Section 1 Physical Activities and Rest Section 2 Physical Exercises (Tai-Clu, Yoga, Working Out) Section 3 Sleep and Daily Life Chapter 6 Body Constitutions Chapter 7 The Prevention and Healthcare of Common Diseases Section 1 The Prevention and Healthcare of the Common Cold Section 2 The Prevention and Healthcare of Cough Section 3 The Prevention and Healthcare of COPD Section 4 The Prevention and Healthcare of Pneumonia Section 5 The Prevention and Healthcare of Gastritis Section 6 The Prevention and Healthcare of IBS Section 7 The Prevention and Healthcare of Gallbladder Stone Section 8 The Prevention and Healthcare of Coronary Disease Section 9 The Prevention and Healthcare of Stroke Section 10 The Prevention and Healthcare of Diabetes Mellitus Section 11 The Prevention and Healthcare of Hypertension Section 12 The Prevention and Healthcare of Hypercholesterolemia Section 13 The Prevention and Healthcare of Alzheimer's Section 14 The Prevention and Healthcare of Parkinson's Disease Section 15 The Prevention and Healthcare of Senilism Section 16 The Prevention and Healthcare of AIDS