According to the definition by State Reserve Commission at 1987, a deposit with resources more than five times of a giant deposit can be called a super-giant deposit. In the same year, the concept of super-giant deposit was formally proposed by the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). As a matter of fact, the famous economic geologist, Prof. Peter Laznicka, proposed earlier (in 1983) that the element enrichment factor should be taken as the division standard, that is, a deposit with an enrichment factor of more than 1×10(11) times of the crust can be called agiant deposit, and of more than 1×10(12) times be called a super-giant deposit. Super-giant deposits are the results of a rather rare geological process in the crust, witnessing the bizarre process for the extraordinarily large volume of mineral accumulation. It is not only the innovation source for metallogenic theory, but also has a great impact on the development of world economy. The academic team led by Prof. Tu Guangchi has carried out systematic and in-depth studies on the geological characteristics, formation environments, and metallogenic conditions of super-giant deposits, from 1980s to 1990s.