Part One. Poem 1. Sonnet 18 Sonnet 66 2. A Red, Red Rose My Heart's in the Highlands 3. The Tyger The Sick Rose 4. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud The Solitary Reaper 5. When We Two Parted She Walks in Beauty 6. Ode to the West Wind 7. Break, Break, Break 8. Sonnet 14 Sonnet 43 9. A Dedication to My Wife 10. When You Are Old 11. In a Station of the Metro 12. A Psalm of Life 13. Annabel Lee 14. [ Hear America Singing O Captain ! My Captain ! 15. Because I Could Not Stop for Death I Died for Beauty--But Was Scarce 16. The Road Not Taken Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Part Two: Drama 1. Hamlet Romeo and Juliet The Merchant of Venice 2. An Ideal Husband 3. Pygmalion 4. Desire Under the Elms 5. The Death of a Salesman 6. Cinderella Part Three: Fiction 1. David Copperfield 2. Vanity Fair 3. The Wuthering Heights 4. Tess of the D'Urbervilles 5. The Rocking-Horse Winner 6. Epilogue ( From The Gadfly, 1897) 7. Mr. Known-all 8. Ulysses 9. The Minister's Black Veil 10. The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 11. The Last Leaf 12. A Farewell to Arms 13. A Rose for Emily 14. Catch-22 15. Love Is a Fallacy Part Four. Essay 1. Of Beauty Of Marriage and Single life Of Love Of Cunning Of Wisdom for a Man's Self Of Expense Of Studies Of Parents and Children 2. The Declaration of Independence 3. Self-reliance (Excerpt) 4. On Competition What I Have Lived for 5. Early Autumn 6. Why I Want a Wife? 7. Unreality of TV Appendix Part Five: Famous Speech 1. The Gettysburg Address 2. On His Seventieth Birthday 3. Blood, Toil, Tear and Sweat 4. Peace in the Atomic Age 5. Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech 6. Inaugural Address (January 20,1961) 7. I Have a Dream Part Six: Classical Translations 1. Republic 2. Poetics 3. On the Sublime 4. Preface to Lyrical Ballads (1802) (Excerpts) 5. A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (1857--1858) Preface to the Critique of Political Economy (1859) 6. Aspects of the Novel 7. Creative Writers and Daydreaming 8. Everything Has Its Time 9. Song of Solomon 10. The Reeds ( From The Book of Songs, Chinese Ballad, Qin Folk Song) 11. Two Divinatory Symbols : Hsien, Chien 12. Three Chapters from Tao Te Ching 13. Five Chapters from the Analects 14. Back to Nature 15. The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter 16. Climbing the Height 17. A Night Mooring by Maple Bridge 18. Regret 19. West Lake 20. The Mid-Autumn Festival 21. A Dream, to the Tune of Chinagch'engtse 22. The Tune of Great Virture 23. Thoughts on Autumn to the Tune of Sky Scouring Sand 24. An Ode on Southern China to the Tune of Narcissus 25. Lin Jiang Xian 26. The Song of Burying the Fallen Flowers References Postscript